124 - Orangemen's day

124 - Orangemen's day
Samson and Goliath - Harland and Wolff

🇬🇧 We had a very busy week here in Belfast. Over last weekend our son and his partner came over to visit us all here. He had a few challenges on this journey but I guess these can be put down as life lessons and he should be stronger as a result! Anyway, we all had a good time over the weekend and Monday was perfect weather for their bike tour of: Titanic, Harland and Wolff (above), Big Fish, Cathedral Quarter and the Peace Wall with all the local murals.

We have been getting our exercise regime back in operation. The best time to go swimming seems to be about 0830 in the morning - this is after the early crowd who go swimming on their way to work and before the kids arrive for the summer camps. I am also doing my daily yoga - at least the 30 minute Bikram sequence and, being near to the Lagan, there are plenty of nice walks available when it is not raining!

By Tuesday the weather was back to cold, wet and rainy. For those who are wondering, this is what it feels like in Hong Kong in the winter; that's why we spend the winter in Bangkok! Wednesday was also miserably cold and rainy. Thankfully the weather was a bit better on Thursday and we had a nice time out with my Dad and his sister.

Friday we also had a rather important family birthday - and we had the parades all over Belfast - not to mention all the bonfires the night before.

Topic of the week

This week I am giving you a selection of information on the so-called emergency of Climate Change. Hopefully you are already awake to this nonsense but if not this should help.

Maybe you can now recognise this for the scam that it is?

The idea of “decarbonising” the world is laughable and insane due to the obvious impossibility of the task, but many of the most powerful and wealthy institutes and foundations have invested billions to try to do the impossible. It is based on a "threat" that they invented in the 195o's in the "Club of Rome" with the specific purpose to use it to keep people in fear and seeking support and salvation from their governments.

The manipulation of data, behaviours, and emotions with regard to the climate change grift is set to be pushed to the public for the next decade through groups such as Climate Central, Open Philanthropy, ClimateWorks Foundation, and the World Resources Institute. Their mission statements might sound altruistic, but depopulation is always just below the surface.

Click for Charlie to explain it to you - useful to share with others - the full episode is here

Charlie is certainly very clear and convincing with all his arguments. Some of you may prefer to go deeper and take a more rigorous academic and research-based approach. For this, I have got to recommend this explainer by Dark Age Theorist. Just like his explainer last week on Anacyclosis this one is wholeheartedly recommended.

Click above for a reasoned explainer with academic references - click here for the punchline

The biggest Red Flag that Climate Change is a religion that you are required and coerced to accept is that you are not allowed to consider any of the component claims separately (they must all be accepted as a package) and you are not allowed to debate the conclusion or question it in any way. Just like Covid!

BTW - we did discuss this at length back in Newsletter #36, along with lots of academic pointers and references and we came to the same conclusion - specifically this is one of the empire techniques to expand their Ponzi scheme and to keep populations in deference and compliance.

Surely by now after the Covid Crimes you have your eyes open to see such things?

What is behind all those Chemtrails?

When I was a child I remember going on holiday with my parents. We drove up from Belfast to Portrush (about 100km) on the North Coast of Northern Ireland. When we got there the car was covered in dead insects that had been hit by the car - I would expect that anyone who is my age can remember this. However, can you remember when you last noticed this happening? Where did all the insects go?

Listen to this interview by Richard of two airline pilots - one from the UK and one from Belgium. They are doing the right thing by calling out what is being done by the government (through those odious "public-private partnerships") and military against their own population.

Click to watch and be aware and share

For those of you who want to go deeper and review the extensive evidence that has been collected and shared click below. This is a good source of reliable research on this topic that is outside the corruption of government and academia.

Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones
Click To Open Each Presentation / Video Click Here To View Our Just Released Groundbreaking Documentary US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real? Geoengineering Watch: Our Most Comprehensive Climate Engineering Presentation Geoengineering: Answers To The Most Commonly Asked Questions Geoengineering Watch: Our First Ever High Altitude Atmospheric Testing…

Further documentary evidence - click to read

And an interesting and informative interview below: chemtrails researcher and author Peter Kirby joins James Corbett to discuss the growing movement to ban chemtrails, from the legislation that’s been popping up in various US states to criminalise geoengineering to the rising citizen-led initiative to Save Our Skies.

Banning Chemtrails – #SolutionsWatch | The Corbett Report

Click for the facts and evidence - watch for the euphemisms

In the interview above they talk about this movement, what it says about growing public awareness of the issue, and what we can all do to help spread information about this important topic.

More in this issue

  • Photo memories - Belfast ahead of the Twelfth
  • Project Updates - Boltz and Cashu - beavering away
  • Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
  • Closing out - Behind the facade: The Mormons and The Vatican

🛠️ Project Updates

The following are updates from some projects that I am following, supporting and collaborating with. These are all part of the Parallel Systems that we need to build and use. What are you doing?

Boltz - what an interesting and useful project

Boltz is a non-custodial bitcoin bridge that enables you to swap between bitcoin layers while staying in complete control - transactions either work completely or they fail leaving your funds intact and untouched.

Click for the article - and then here for the Boltz Exchange

As the article explains, Boltz started out as a facilitator component for the lightning network that became invaluable when fees increased. Since then it has broadened its reach, enabling and strengthening multiple components of the overall bitcoin and lightning infrastructure including Aqua Wallet and Liquid as we have discussed before. I use Boltz frequently and can recommend it.

Another Cashu innovation

Click to read how Cashu mints can (atomically) collaborate to route lightning payments that would otherwise fail due to liquidity shortage en-route. This is fascinating. I am so excited to see what more we can do with Cashu.

A Glimpse at the Potential of Complementary Protocols
Complimentary protocols can enable some pretty incredible things. We’re seeing it play out with lightning and Chaumian mints.

Click to understand more about the potential and how this works

Remember that I am offering you the possibility to join in and test Cashu yourself - instructions here.

The following are links from my NetNewswire feeds - learn, enjoy and share.

Maverick's expectations for the week

You will be aware that Maverick is a perma-bear. You will also be aware that broken clocks are right twice a day. Perhaps he is right now -he does seem to hit all the likely hot topics of the week - WDYT?

Maverick the perma-bear may be right this time - WDYT?

1:40 The Political Risk: Uncertainty, 13:25 Macro Commentary: The Jobs Report,
25:25 Market Commentary: Bears Go Extinct + Weekly Outlook

My take on this is that Maverick nails the risks and the likely headlines of the week but markets can remain irrational for longer that you would expect - so DYOR. Exiting the system is the smart(er) move, as Bitcoiners know and do.

Established wisdom

Across Europe, under the EU, and in the UK, whether an individual government is “left” or “right,” every single one is so indebted to Brussels, big banks, and major bondholders that it has no policy flexibility. Basically, the bond markets tell the European and UK governments what policies they are allowed to follow.

Indeed, as Rothbard presciently rhetorically asked when the first edition of this book was published in 1963 (it has been repeatedly updated since then, including in 2024), “What has the Government done to our Money?

Anatomy of Money and the State
Thoughts on Rothbard’s classic “What Has Government Done to Our Money?”

Click to obtain your own copy - PDF and book are freely available

If you prefer to watch and listen, Guy has also worked this out and he explains it to you here in the clip below - the UK Pension crisis of 2022 was one recent example of such a situation.

Click to watch - the more you see the more you realise how rotten it is

Life after Adobe

If you appreciated Sasha's rant last week, you will likely be happy to hear that the Adobe competitors seem to smell blood and I wish them all well. Adobe is pure evil and among the worst companies in the world - in a league with HP (Hewlett Packard) and Microsoft, with Google and Apple not far behind.

Click for information and inspiration

News that you probably did not hear

I do enjoy my RSS feeds since I can fine-tune these to contain just sources that I trust and I am not forced to consume whatever propaganda the empire is pushing. This is one such example of a useful feed - Mikkel's audience is somewhat America-centric (North and South) but you will see the Sovereign Individual thesis playing out.

Expat News: Bukele’s Bitcoin Bank, Portugal Shuns Expats, & Milei’s Record Surplus
A Bitcoin bank in El Salvador? That’s the headline that sits atop this week’s Expat News.

Click for many things that you likely did not know

🤔 Closing Thoughts

This week I have a couple of closing thoughts - both of these should be accessible to anyone. Firstly Jon points out some very interesting truth around the Mormons and their arrival in Utah. Lastly, I close with a couple of pieces on "Worldly Religions", including an excellent investigative documentary into the finances behind the Vatican - it should hardly surprise you that all is not what it seems or ought to be.

1852 in Utah - the Mormons and all that...

You may (or may not) be aware that 1852 was the year that the Mormons arrived in Utah. Jon (who lives in Utah) has discovered some original documentation from the time describing what they found and what they would do about it. Needless to say, it is not what you have been told. Among other things this explains their enthusiasm for polygamy.

Click to watch and learn - the mormon part starts at 12:52

I do also recommend that you listen to William Ramsey's interview of Lyn Smith Gregory - a descendent of Joseph Smith. BTW - I also recommend and have reviewed Jon's book.

Worldly religions

I was happy to find this short lecture given by Alan Watts on "worldly religions". It is audio-only so sit back, relax, listen and learn. He touches on many of the topics that I also highlighted back in Newsletter #55, specifically the danger of religiosity - this is something that all of us who grew up in Belfast in the 1970s know very well.

Click to listen - audio-only

After that read on for the facts and evidence on just one of those Worldly Religions.

The Vatican Financial Empire- A Hidden History

Let's explore the IOR  (Istituto per le Opere di Religione), aka the Vatican Bank, uncovering a complex web of hidden secrets, unexpected alliances, and intriguing mysteries within one of the world's most powerful institutions.

Roberto Calvi, an Italian banker known as "God's Banker" for his Vatican ties, chaired Banco Ambrosiano until its 1982 collapse amid scandal. On June 18, 1982, Calvi's body was found hanging from London's Blackfriars Bridge. Initially deemed suicide, the suspicious circumstances prompted years of investigation. The case, entangled with alleged Mafia, Vatican, and Masonic lodge P2 connections, remained contentious. After multiple inquiries and exhumations, an Italian court ruled in 2007 that Calvi was murdered. Despite this ruling and the case's high-profile nature involving powerful financial and political circles, no one has been successfully prosecuted for Calvi's death, leaving the mystery partially unresolved.

How interesting -supporting references below - once seen, you cannot unsee this

Supporting references:
📘Gods Banker (https://amzn.to/3VSIi4G)
📘The House of Rothschild (https://amzn.to/49IygYL)

The Vatican is its own Sovereign state, outside of international laws and the Vatican Bank also operates outside international regulation. This ought to remind you that the same rules apply to the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) in Geneva - also such exemptions and protections apply to many institutions within the City of London (although not London City) and also within Washington DC.

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- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix
How to escape the matrix - do you see it yet?
"99% of all subjects accepted the program if they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of the choice at an unconscious level"
- The Architect

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You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

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