126 - Olympics next

126 - Olympics next
At the Big Fish...during one of those brief sunny spells

🇬🇧 Another week of typical Northern Ireland summer weather - cool, cloudy and damp with frequent showers and occasional sunny spells. Just like last year it seems that just about everywhere else is warm and sunny.

I was very happy to have a couple of ad-hoc bitcoiner meetups this week. Of course we did some Cashu demos - I am doing what I can to spread the awareness and to give people the skills to demonstrate this to others.

On Tuesday we had the best weather of the week - so we took advantage of it to go for a walk along Belfast Lough from Holywood to Helen's Bay. There were hundreds of people out enjoying themselves on the beach. I also managed to meet up with a friend from school for that walk. It was good to share what we have been up to in all the intervening years and different perspectives on what is currently going on. I am also happy to meet up with any of you who read or subscribe - just reach out and let me know.

Well - it has been quite a week on the geopolitical front. That should not surprise you and I expect yet more will follow as we head into the Olympics - bookmark this and recent newsletters for future reference - don't say "nobody told me".

In this newsletter I am sharing with you two rather relevant books that clarify lots to those who are awake and they are good to share with others who are awakening. This week's Project updates cover the latest Bitcoin and Nostr developments (to understand why this is important, recall our Parallel discussion of a few weeks ago) and the Useful Links section gives you some additional perspective on a few recent events that do not pass the smell test. Closing out this week with some further insights on the the significance of the Olympics this year as well as an excellent short read (and free audiobook) from Neville Goddard.

Books and explainer of the week

This week with all the rainy weather I had plenty of time for reading. I have got two excellent books to recommend, both of which you should try to get as physical books rather than rely on Kindle - for reasons that we have discussed before.

Considering what happened on July 13th, a review of this material now is timely and especially relevant. Once you see and understand the lies you have been told back in 2001 and the impact of those lies you will understand why you should not make the same mistake of believing the lies again.

Let's start with Feargus O'Connor Greenwood's book, "180° Unlearn the lies you've been taught to believe". Click here for the table of contents.

  • Stop for a moment and take a look at the world around you. Does everything seem normal? Or is it all upside down? Do you think this is happening just by chance? And if it isn’t, wouldn’t you like to know what is really going on? To get back to the truth we need to invert the inversions. 180° is not just an angle, it is an answer; a total perspective and a set of solutions. No one said getting to The Golden Age was going to be easy. That journey begins with questioning everything you have been taught to believe.
  • This is an excellent book to start on your journey. It opens up with an extensive explanation and clarification of what really happened on September 11, 2001 (9/11) - contrasting that with what you were told. Understanding this and how big a lie you have been told is a necessary first step. Once you see this one, seeing the other ones becomes much easier.
  • It then goes well beyond 9/11, gradually exposing more lies that you had assumed were true. Read to the end and you will be well awake.

Where did the towers go?

The second book this week is related to the first. I have had my own copy for many years but I took the opportunity of a few damp days to refresh my memory. Where did the towers go? - by Judy Wood - click here for table of contents

  • This book gives you proper scientific analysis of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001. Wood, a materials science engineer, argues that the towers were not brought down by the impact of airplanes and resulting fires alone, but by something that resulted in "dustification" of the buildings. How did you miss it till now? She explains why most people did not and even still do not see it - however once seen you cannot unsee it.
  • She examines the physical evidence, including the dust and debris patterns, the near-complete pulverisation of the buildings, and the anomalous effects on surrounding structures.
  • She calls for a re-examination of the 9/11 events and urges readers to question official narratives and seek truth based on scientific inquiry.

Who had access to the Twin Towers?

After reading the books above and watching Judy's lecture, you might want to know who had demolition access to the Twin Towers before 9/11. If so, boy does Kevin Ryan have some answers for you! Join James for this edition as he shines the light on Kevin Ryan's groundbreaking article on "Demolition Access to the World Trade Center Towers". Among many other things you will discover the pre-9/11 WTC power down and quite a few long-forgotten bits of 9/11 conspiracy reality.

Click to watch - then share with others - full and extensive notes here

For Ryan's full document click here: Demolition Access To The WTC Towers: Tenants, Security, Convergence, Cleanup

More in this issue

  • Photo memories - Belfast this week
  • Project Updates - Bitcoin.review and Lyn's take on Nostr
  • Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
  • Closing out - Olympics, the second Horseman and Seal, feelings & manifestation

🛠️ Project Updates

The following are updates from some projects that I am following, supporting and collaborating with. These are all part of the Parallel Systems that we need to build and use. What are you doing?


This is the regular bi- or tri-weekly review of everything Bitcoin, and this week we have a good sprinkling of Nostr too. These are key developers from many of the important projects - it is so interesting and useful to have these insights.

Click for meeting notes and the recording

Nostr - decentralised Social Media and Much More

This is a great read from everyone's favourite, Lyn Alden. She certainly practises that of which she speaks. You will find her every day on Nostr, sharing valuable insights and engaging in discussions that help move us forward.

Nostr is an open-source protocol that enables decentralised social media, but also a lot more. It’s a simple set of foundational building blocks that, if widely adopted, could gradually reshape “the Web” as we know it. Instead of a separate set of siloed social ecosystems, we could gravitate toward a more interoperable set of ecosystems, with more of the power dispersed to the content creators and to the audience, and away from the middlemen corporations.

The Power of Nostr: Decentralized Social Media and More
Published: July 2024 It would be powerful if you could bring your digital identity, content, and followers from one social ecosystem, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Substack, to another. Imagine if you could publish content and send messages in any of those types of ecosystems, with one continuous digital identity rather than separate accounts. […]

Click for Lyn's article

At the very least, even with modest adoption, it’s an optional alternative to the way things are done now for those that want it, and a powerful one at that. Using Nostr as your prime social media ecosystem you will quickly find that Nostr’s social graph aspects already make your Bitcoin/Lightning wallet experience better as well.

You might have noticed that a lot of odd things happened in the last week or so. Quite a few of these do not pass the smell test and I am pretty sure they are linked and there is plenty more to come. The links below cast some light and alternative perspectives on matters. So - what do you think? Let me know.

The week that was

Below - a few photos that highlight some major events of the week that do not seem to pass the smell test. Recall what Judy Woods explained above: people see what they are told to see.

Max is pretty clear on what he sees

Do take the time to watch Max's analysis. He explains how you must analyse events like this with an open mind and go with the evidence. Taking you through those steps, he does seem to come with the right conclusion - WDYT?

As Max explains, you should not get too bogged down with the details, rather look at Cui Bono and what happens next and you will see the truth, not what you are told to see.

MUST WATCH - Click for Max's analysis - the video that he did not want to do

Another thing that does not pass the smell test

You may have seen the video of Crowdstrike CEO, George Kurtz who had difficulty talking after the event that took down over 8.5 million Windoze computers worldwide, shutting down entire businesses and industry sectors. What you maybe did not know is that he was the CTO of McAfee Antivirus back in April 2010 when it removed the svchost.exe file from all computers on which it was running causing (what else?) the Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) on millions of Windoze computers!

Click to watch - always great info from Mental Outlaw

The smell gets worse the deeper you go when you consider the ownership of Crowdstrike and the fact that use of "Crowdstrike or equivalent" is mandated to meet ESG certification requirements. The list of adequate alternatives is VERY short - watch here for more insights. What you may not have heard is that Crowdstrike issued updates that similarly crashed Linux systems on April 19th and May 13th. The evil or incompetence (or both?) clearly runs very deep.

And then this is coming up next - of course the date is just a coincidence!

Note the date - surely this is just a coincidence? (sarcasm intended, in case you missed it)

Remember Event 201 - and what "coincidentally" happened after that exercise.

Who really runs the world?

People sometimes wonder who really runs the world. The answer is not as straightforward as naming one person or a family dynasty, but let's attempt to cover the most dangerous of the groups that work together in order to lay the groundwork for a world government.

The Mega Group, 1001 Club, Le Cercle, and the Committee of 300 are never mentioned anywhere in the mainstream media because they do not want the public to know what they are working on. Are we watching the reconstitution of the Holy Roman Empire and the framework of the Greater Israel Project taking shape at the same time as a fourth turning? Time to pay attention as Charlie explains:

Click for the complete A-Z explainer of what you are not supposed to know

Indeed Charlie's pronunciation of French words is less than perfect - but I can accept that to get all the other information he shares.

🤔 Closing Thoughts

A couple of closing thoughts this week. The first one is from Jason who reminds us that we are now indeed in the time of the Second Horseman and the breaking of the Second Seal. This started with the eclipse on April 8th and I expect things will escalate further during the Olympics (recall that 1972 is the isometric projection of 2024 around 1998). In addition to Olympics in Munich you might want to consider some other events that happened that year and for which ripples may be expected - check here.

Bleak and discouraging as the geopolitical events seem, you ought to realise that these are not your problems to solve and it's best not to participate or give them your energy. Jason explains this rather well in this video.

Click to watch - click here for the start

Recall our earlier discussion on breaking of The First Seal and the Second Seal. Realise too that events are unfolding as per the Olympic and Pythian Calendars for which March is the first month: Mar (1), Apr (2), … Sep (7), Oct (8), Nov (9), Dec (10), Jan (11), Feb (12). It is all rather obvious if only with hindsight.

I'll have more to say on this next week and I expect we may well have additional insights from the Opening of Paris Olympics Friday evening 26 July - don't miss it!

The Feeling is the secret

This short book from 1944 triggered a few closing thoughts to me. Firstly it reminded me of Jason's "Awaken the Immortal within" and many of the insights echo what I also learned many years ago with "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" - recall we discussed this back in Newsletter #13

  • The law of consciousness: our consciousness creates our reality. What we experience in the outer world is a reflection of our inner states.
  • The importance of feeling: feeling is the secret to manifestation. It's not enough to merely think about what you want; you must feel as though you already have it.
  • The subconscious mind: the subconscious mind is the creative force that brings our assumptions into reality. It accepts what the conscious mind impresses upon it.
  • Use your imagination: he advises visualisation creating vivid mental scenes that imply the fulfilment of your desire, and then inhabiting these scenes with full sensory and emotional engagement.
  • Sleep and manifestation: just before sleep is an ideal time to impress desires upon the subconscious mind so that when you wake you are set up for success.
Click for the audiobook (45 minutes) - and read along on-screen
Make no mistake about this. If, as you prepare for sleep, you do not consciously feel yourself into the state of the answered wish, then you will take with you into the chamber of her who conceived you the sum total of the reactions and feelings of the waking day; and while asleep, you will be instructed in the manner in which they will be expressed tomorrow.

You will rise believing that you are a free agent, not realizing that every action and event of the day is predetermined by your concept of self as you fell asleep. Your only freedom, then, is your freedom of reaction.

You are free to choose how you feel and react to the day's drama, but the drama – the actions, events and circumstances of the day – have already been determined.

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix
How to escape the matrix - do you see it yet?
"99% of all subjects accepted the program if they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of the choice at an unconscious level"
- The Architect

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You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

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