138 - Next stop, Hong Kong

138 - Next stop, Hong Kong
Benjasiri Pyramid this week in Bangkok

🇹🇭 This week V and I are in Bangkok. We flew here last weekend via Dublin and Doha, Qatar. We have been taking some time to sort out things here before heading on to Hong Kong where we be till end of November. We had plenty to do this week - action packed days, every day!

Travel was pretty much OK. As you know, one of V's super-powers is travel bookings and she chose well for this trip. We had hired a car from Dublin Airport when we arrived and we returned it on our departure. This made things easy with our suitcases. Checkin was friendly and we had fast-track for security. The flight was a bit delayed but we still easily made our connection in Doha.

Arrival in Bangkok was also smooth and we had a van waiting to bring us to our temporary apartment. This was a nice apartment in Sukhumvit Soi 23 - a great area with lots of local restaurants and shops and close to all the public transport - if you have a short stay in Bangkok, here is recommended!

Monday evening I managed to catch the regular Satoshi Bitcoiner meetup. This moves each week around central Bangkok and you will usually meet a few interesting people each time. This is one of several regular meetups that you can join each week here.

Tuesday we were already out and about apartment hunting for the coming months. We had lined up a couple of agents and they each had a selection of places to view that were all available immediately. We would have liked to have stayed in the same building we had last year but none of the currently available apartments fully met our criteria. No problem - the building next door is also great and found an apartment there that would do nicely.

We took an extra day on Wednesday to check out some other options and found an even better one. We will be up on the 22nd floor with an excellent city view from our balcony. Bangkok does have plenty of options for all budgets and apartment hunting here is fun.

Thursday and Friday we dealt with the logistics of contract and getting the new apartment installed. We also moved our things from storage to the apartment and V is now in the process of making the apartment perfect.

We do like to be back in SE Asia - it really is like coming home again. I rather suspect that I likely did live here in one or more of my former lives! It is still rainy season here - so you are likely to catch a tropical downpour in the afternoons but apart from that it is nice to be back in warm weather again after cold N Europe.

Next week we are heading back to Hong Kong for a while. We will be staying in Wan Chai - so say hello if you are nearby. I have already booked on the Eye Opener Hike on Saturday 26th and during the week I will often be hiking from Central to the Peak in the mornings - reach out if you want to join me any day. This is the best time of year to be in HK - perfect for hiking and much more!

An easy to moderate hike (rated 2.3) Chuen Lung loop, Sat, Oct 26, 2024, 9:35 AM | Meetup
1. Difficulty and nature of the hike It is an easy to moderate hike with beautiful scenery on a clear day. 2. Hike statistics 6.5 km, 400 m elevation (cumulative), 4 hours

Come and join us on the hike!

Books of the week

With all the travel this week and with my new Kobo reader I was happy to have a couple of books on the go. Kobo does make it easy to have all of your current reading right at your fingertips. The first is classic and the second is light fiction, the third in a series the first of which I had enjoyed back in Newsletter #97.

The Time Machine

This is a short read - you can do it in a day or so. It is considered as one of the first Science Fiction books, written in 1895. It really is a book from a previous era. You will feel how much things have changed from those days when people use to gather in each others' houses from time to time to discuss, listen to and explore ideas.

The summary below is the best that I have found and all of their material is superb. Obviously it is AI-produced but it is very well done and hits all the spots.

Click for an excellent summary of the book

You will learn about the Molocks and Eloi and quite some commentary on the potential evolution of society as viewed from the end of the 19th century. Food for thought and you now have more than a century of hindsight.

The Bullet that Missed

This is the third book in the Thursday Murder Club series - all the familiar characters and a few more. The story has at least as many threads and twists and turns as the previous ones and you certainly do need to suspend your disbelief but it was quite fun to read.

Click for a pretty fair review

I do agree with Dan's review. The formula is good but indeed it can be nice to have something new and different and not just more and variations of the same. It was also a bit annoying to see some of the mainstream propaganda seeping in - eg on knife crime and cryptocurrencies for criminals - the Empire is using all channels to indoctrinate the masses.

More in this issue

  • Photo memories - Stormont, Doha and Bangkok this week
  • Project Updates - Blitz, Nostr and Bitcoin - great together
  • Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
  • Closing out - Information destruction, Censorship and Mandela effect

🛠️ Project Updates

The following are updates from some projects that I am following, supporting and collaborating with. These are all part of the Parallel Systems that we need to build and use. What are you doing?

Nostr Rising

This is a series of interviews with the developers that are forming and driving Nostr Evolution at the moment. The first one will get you started with a brief introduction to Nostr and why this is so interesting.

Click for Episode 1

This next interview dives deeper into how Nostr facilitates communities and applications development. All of these are decentralised and avoid the odious control of the Empire. This is a fascinating discussion covering all the things you need to consider as you launch new applications. It is certainly interesting what they are doing in Brazil.

Click for episode 2

Blitz - blending all the pieces

This is still in Beta (and it is very early days) but it is certainly interesting and worth giving a test to get ahead of the curve. The wallet combines some of the projects that I have covered here before and that I use separately too, including: Breez with its SDK, Boltz and Blockstream Greenlight.

Ben demonstrates and explains

You will need to get this on TestFlight (on iOS) or load it as an APK on Android.

Blitz Wallet | Bitcoin lightning wallet
Blitz wallet is a fully open-source Bitcoin lightning wallet that merges the fast capabilities of the lighting network with the security of self-custodial management at a price unmatched by competitors.

Click here for website and download information

Food for thought

The post-1971 era that brought with it a booming real estate industry is suffering the same fate as the bond market; the generation bull market is over. Real estate prices may go up, but that will be nothing more than a mirage of wealth creation. The unit of account those prices are built on is in dollars (or pounds or euros), which are being debased at an accelerating rate. Recall what we discussed about When Money Dies two years ago back in Newsletter #31.

Bitcoin: A Solution To The Housing Crisis
Bitcoin is the only way those in real estate can manufacture a soft landing for themselves.

For anyone seeking to de-risk their real estate exposure, Bitcoin one way (some would say the best or only way) to do this effectively.

The following are links from my NetNewswire feeds - learn, enjoy and share.

Why are people fleeing the EU & UK…

Neil's lates update gives you plenty of current insights. Interesting what Serbia is now planning to do. He is obviously on the road at the present - he has not said where but I would not be surprised if he is here in SE Asia - I know that he has been putting out feelers as part of his Plan B.

Interesting observations by Neil

Having spent much of the last 6 months in Europe and UK, I think Neil is spot-on with his observations and assessment. We have discussed before about "Loyalty, voice or exit" - this is a choice I have faced a few times.

How the government turned on the people

Peter does really say it like it is. In 3 short minutes he gives you the essential history of the last 140 years and clear insight to the cause of the current mess.

The whole mess explained in 3 minutes

He does also (more than) hint at the steps needed to get out of the mess and to recover. Unfortunately it is likely that the parasite is out of control and the host cannot be saved.

How the US Government Turned on the People
The catastrophic mismanagement of Hurricane Helene relief is showing the American people that Washington’s dysfunctional but, worse, it doesn’t even seem to be trying to serve the people.

Click for all the gory details

So - WDYT? Happy to discuss. BTW pretty much all the same arguments apply to UK and Europe, albeit with slightly different dates but the same playbook has been and continues to be used in each.

Forty minutes well spent

This is the long version of Peter's story above. The US Fed has been the source of booms, busts, and the ongoing impoverishment of Americans since the Fed’s founding. The documentary below provides a look at how the Fed uses its expanding power to damage the economy, increase inequality, and to impoverish ordinary citizens. The film also looks at how much the Fed has expanded its own power since the Financial Crisis of 2008 and it explains how the Covid crimes were just part of the plan of this evil cartel with the purpose of distracting the population and justifying even greater money creation and population control.

Click for the documentary - Forty minutes well spent

All the sins of the Fed affect other countries too and they are also perpetrated by all the other National Central Banks - they are all evil and it is now becoming impossible to hide the truth any more - their lies are exposed for all to see.

"The government is not the solution to our problem; 
government is the problem."
- Margaret Thatcher

🤔 Closing Thoughts

This week I have a few closing thoughts. Pay attention - these are important.

Burning of the Library of Alexandria

You may or may not have heard that the Internet Archive was taken down. It may or may not come back. If it does, there is no telling what will have been removed or altered. This is just another example of the Empire hiding evidence of its crimes and trying to prevent people from having access to information.

Thanks to Jason and team for what they have done to preserve the past records. I do encourage you to obtain your own copies and to do your own research.

You should consider getting your own copies of reference material

This is why you need to have your own copies of important material and your own backups of books and audio that you have purchased and value. Recall that we have discussed tools and how to do that recently - Calibre and Libation.

Getting to know Jason

Jason recently did a spontaneous and ad-hoc summary of his life and how he got to where he is today. He also shares some of his plans going forward. It should be clear by now that he will deliver on these plans. This is a fascinating and motivating story - listen and learn.

Jason tells his life story and plans - listen and learn

Glitch in the Matrix

I have mentioned Mandela Effect before. I recently came across this video that explains the phenomenon rather well. Especially given what you now know about the Olympic Ceremonies (among others) and what has happened to the Internet Archive you ought to be able to see rather clearly now why these things are happening and the power of the human mind.

Click for some fascinating insights

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix
How to escape the matrix - do you see it yet?
"99% of all subjects accepted the program if they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of the choice at an unconscious level"
- The Architect

Any questions or anything else? Feel free to comment below!
You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

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