144 - Autumn in Hong Kong

144 - Autumn in Hong Kong
IFC - into the depths

πŸ‡­πŸ‡° The autumn weather has finally arrived in Hong Kong - daily temperatures are 15-23 degrees but with that we still have plenty of sunshine so it's quite nice. Contrary to what many think, we do have four seasons here in HK (even winter) - although it will be end of December before we get Red Leaves and this usually triggers much hiking to get out to see them!

Over the weekend I was out hiking as usual - to Little Hawaii with the group, followed by a nice lunch with V and DB to Mui Wo with a friend followed by a super lunch at the FCC. All weekends should be like this!

This is our last week in HK for a bit so we had plenty of things to get done and dusted. I did a last few meetups with friends and we have packed up for our next part of the journey.

Wednesday morning we had great sunny autumn weather and V and I were both out hiking around the Peak with some friends. Of course on Wednesday evening we also had one last (for now) evening out at the races.

We had a busy day on Thursday completing all our remaining planned activities. We even got down to Aberdeen to enjoy a sunny walk along the waterfront. HK should be like this all year round!

Friday I got back into the usual routine with a hike from Central to the Peak, back down to the piers and over to meet V for lunch at the Windsurfing Club. On our return we took advantage of Zero VAT in HK for a few purchases that V "needed".

Interview of the week

For this week's interview you really should listen to and appreciate what is being said in the spirit of Ethical Skepticism - you do not need to agree with everything, rather receive it and suspend judgement until you have additional research to support or disprove it - for example, Whitney's interview that follows.

Firstly - a few images to set the scene. You may or may not know the full story of the Tower of Babel. Suffice to say humanity may have used one single language in the past and been able to understand eachother and work together, collaborating productively. At some point, an intervention struck confusion with multiple languages emerging and people becoming unable to understand eachother.

This confusion persists still today - even with the amazing technology that we have but there are hopeful signs where some are using technology to help spread understanding and insight again. So it is with this week's interview which, until recently would have been inaccessible to you:

Javier Milei

Javier Milei is the President of Argentina - he has just completed one year in office and is even more popular now than when he was elected. This episode is available in both English and Spanish. There is also a third audio track with the original audio, with Lex speaking English and Javier Milei speaking Spanish. To listen to it, choose "English (United Kingdom)" audio track, by clicking on: Settings (Gear Icon), Audio Track, Choose: English (United Kingdom). So, "English (US)" is the fully english dubbed track, and "English (UK)" is the original bilingual track. For the latter, you can turn on subtitles as well.

I do not agree with everything he says and I think there is one topic in particular on which most will disagree (though it was not explored much) but you owe it to yourself to make the effort to undo the Curse of Babel and understand what is being said and done. Links to specific topics are below - he does say that Elon and Trump will be copying many of his policies and approaches.

Click to listen and learn

3:27 - Economic freedom, 8:52 - Anarcho-capitalism, 18:45 - Presidency and reforms, 38:05 - Poverty, 44:37 - Corruption, 53:14 - Freedom, 1:07:26 - Elon Musk, 1:12:54 - DOGE, 1:14:56 - Donald Trump, 1:20:56 - US and Argentina relations, 1:28:05 - Messi vs Maradona, 1:36:58 - God, 1:39:05 - Elvis and Rolling Stones, 1:42:45 - Free market, 1:49:46 - Loyalty, 1:52:23 - Advice for young people, 1:53:49 - Hope for Argentina

Contrarian thinking

As I said - you may not agree with all that he says and what you see might not be what you get. Recognise that Argentina is and was likely a dress rehearsal and then consider Whitney Webb's and Mark Goodwin's perspective on the next four years of America under Trump's presidency. Whitney and Mark provide their analysis of the potential challenges and concerns surrounding Trump's cabinet picks, intelligence connections, and the future of digital currencies. They examine how the deep state's influence might persist despite campaign promises, exploring the complex relationship between Wall Street, big tech, and America's political landscape.

Click to watch - investigative journalism to appreciate

She may not be right on all the calls but she does have a pretty good record of investigative journalism and what she uncovers is the truth more often than not. For more of her work and to support her, check her website and book below:

Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb
Uncensored Investigative Journalism

Click for the website - also her book One Nation Under Blackmail

More in this issue

  • Photo memories - Hiking and Hong Kong this week
  • Project Updates - Bitcoin nodes, Nostr Chat and private Ai tools
  • Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
  • Closing out - One Octopus, many tentacles - London False Flag?

πŸ› οΈ Project Updates

The following are updates from some projects that I am following, supporting and collaborating with. These are all part of the Parallel Systems that we need to build and use. What are you doing?

A good weekend project

Running your own Bitcoin node is easier than you think! In this complete guide, you'll learn why and how to set up and maintain your own Bitcoin Core full node - the backbone of Bitcoin's decentralised network. Running your own node allows you to be your own bank and use Bitcoin the way it was always intended by Satoshi.

This is an easy project and one that you should be able to do on a weekend. It is also a great way to get hands-on with the Bitcoin network and understand better how things work.

Rather interesting

I postponed listening to this one for a while because I feel that Nostr is not really intended or optimal for messaging - there are better solutions (eg Session and Signal). However there is a potential market fit with group chats, especially if this can be done well and right and this is what is being done by Hodlbod and Jeff G. Listen and learn.

Click for a most interesting
  • (02:32) - Overview of MLS Messaging Layer Security and its role in group chats.
  • (10:03) - Addressing spam and impersonation in group communications.
  • (14:16) - Managing group keys and group membership.
  • (21:10) - Security concerns and potential vulnerabilities.
  • (26:58) - Relays and group management.
  • (30:50) - Importance of secure client implementations.
  • (35:25) - Handling bad actors in group chats.
  • (43:15) - Integration of payments in group chat dynamics pay-to-post model.
  • (50:25) - Exploring broadcast model for private groups.
  • (55:16) - Proof of concept for a secure group chat client.
  • (59:27) - Conclusion and final thoughts

These recordings are so interesting because they discuss the real challenges that are being addressed and you really get to understand how difficult it can be to pick the best solutions and approaches.

Good to have another option

We have discussed a few times about how you need to be rather careful about which AI tools you use and how you use them. This is a good explainer and open-book discussion how how the Venice-AI team is working to bring about a privacy-centric offering and the business model that they plan.

Click to listen, learn and participate

3:27 – Privacy-invasion of Big Tech AI companies,
6:50 – How does Venice AI give the user privacy?
9:55 – How long will non-account service last?
11:40 – How do open-source models work in AI?
16:50 – Phone version of AI (not app store version)
18:05 – Censorship within AI
24:42 – Un-censoring AI makes it faster and better
25:55 – Other uncensored AI companies
27:10 – Making AI β€œsafe”
30:30 – IP question of AI
34:45 – Who owns the creation of AI tools?
35:10 – Any red lines where AI should be β€œregulated”?
37:20 – Does Venice have any access to our prompts?
38:15 – Venice AI vs self-hosted models
39:40 – Would Venice ever train their own AI model?
40:25 – Final thoughts

Another noteworthy and useful tool in this area is  Unleashed.chat. I have been using this now for 6 months or so. Just like with Kagi (the search engine that I recommend) this is an entrepreneur competing with the empire, leveraging pay-as-you-go with Lightning payments and building better tools. These are all great tools that I recommend.

The following are links from my NetNewswire feeds - learn, enjoy and share.

Important insights

Embracing a transformational journey requires a willingness to let go of the old and step into the unknown. By surrendering to the present moment, you can experience such a shift that will propel you forward on your path of self-improvement. Chad explains - from his own personal experience.

Click to watch and learn - he gives you very practical and implementable suggestions

This reminded me of what we discussed about The Eternal Now - and Eckhart Tolle's great book: The Power of Now.

Click for an excellent overview and 60 minute summary

Meanwhile in the UK

Things do not seem to be going great. Katie highlights a few things that you may have missed since Mainstream Propaganda will avoid all such discussion.

Katie is not reassured by what she sees

People are turning to all possible channels to express their discontent - the response rate on this petition is unprecedented - there has never been any petition with this response rate and numbers. Realistically I would not expect anything to come of this - it will just be ignored or get some meaningless response from the Government - but it certainly is a data point and temperature check.

Petition: Call a General Election
I would like there to be another General Election. I believe the current Labour Government have gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election.

Click to check for yourself

And for those who really have had enough, you may find this short video rather informative. She lists many options that are available. Remember, when you disagree with the government, your options are: Loyalty, voice or exit - as we have discussed before.

Rather interesting - especially for retirees

One benefit for those who lived through The Troubles in Northern Ireland is that you can easily obtain an Irish (and so European) passport. Whilst also not perfect it certainly provides even more options. I rather think that more options is better.

πŸ€” Closing Thoughts

This week I am closing out with some discussion on things that are hiding in plain sight. There is much discussion as to why the empire exposes these things - some say it is necessary to avoid bad karma (or the "rules of the game"), others will say it is psychological manipulation.

These clips do not definitively resolve this discussion but they will help you to see things more clearly. This is rather important - do not skip the two clips at the end from Neil and Alex.

One Octopus - many tentacles

This is an another great interview of Ole by Michael J. Michael is former CIA who is now awake to how he and his colleagues have unwittingly been used to propagate the undesirable agenda of the Empire. Ole has decades of research into their activities that he widely shares to raise awareness. We have discussed his work quite a few times - especially in relation to False Flag events that are designed to put fear into the minds of the masses who then demand protection by the organised crime that is Government.

Another great interview of Ole by Michael

In case you had forgotten, the Octopus featured in the Closing Ceremony of the 2012 Olympics and I did share with you an thorough analysis of all that was shown to you (for those with eyes to see). Click below to refresh your memory.

Click to refresh your memory of our discussion in August after the Olympics

The mass psychological manipulation should be clear to you by now and it continues relentlessly. One further example here in London this week and you might wonder why all the CCTV cameras in London are now switched off or disabled, giving only black feeds as well as why the police took (confiscated?) mobile phones from people who were present with video footage.

Neil explains - all wars are Bankers Wars

Alex K is rather more direct and this may become clear(er) in the coming weeks:

Are they planning a false flag event in London?
Very nearly all of London’s Webcams went dark in early September. Why?

Click to watch and read his notes - Think Lusitania, Pearl Harbour, 9/11 and Nord Stream

There are circumstances when a galvanising event must be orchestrated to detonate the greater conflict, and the list of known examples through history is very long. He cites quite a few examples in his substack. See here - Read it.

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix
How to escape the matrix - do you see it yet?
"99% of all subjects accepted the program if they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of the choice at an unconscious level"
- The Architect

Any questions or anything else? Feel free to comment below!
You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

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