157 - It's already March!

🇹🇭 We have had rather pleasant weather for the last week here in Bangkok. It has been often cloudy with sunny spells - so it is not too hot. Mornings are fresh and the afternoons and evenings are quite pleasant. The few rain showers we have had were brief and refreshing.
In addition to the usual weekly meetups, we were delighted to meet up with a friend and former colleague from HK who was passing through. V did not need any excuse to book the Octave Skybar for the evening; it is a fabulous location to enjoy company with friends and views of sunset over Bangkok.
We have also been catching up on our proactive dental and medical checks. I have mentioned many times that the medical services here are among the best and most affordable in the world. Both V and I take advantage of these services proactively every year and, wherever necessary, for quick interventions. We had planned to have this done already but things got postponed due to our unplanned visit back to Holywood. Still a few things to complete but we both seem to be OK for a bit longer - nice!
Time flies - it is already March. This month, we have a few important dates: firstly Purim and the Total Lunar Eclipse on March 13-14th followed by the Ides on 15th, the Equinox on the 20th and a Solar Eclipse on the 29th! Remember that events are unfolding as per the Olympic and Pythian Calendars for which March is really the first month of the year: Mar (1), Apr (2), … Sep (7), Oct (8), Nov (9), Dec (10), Jan (11), Feb (12). Some possible implications (very interesting) - it is all rather obvious if only with hindsight.
Interview and long read of the week
This week I am highlighting an interview and a long read that you might have missed. The interview is of John Perkins (aka the Economic Hitman) by Saifedean - just listen and be educated. The long read builds on and extends much of what John and Saifedean discuss but from a different angle and independently corroborates it all.
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Saifedean often does great interviews and this is one of them. What I like in his interviews is that when he does not agree with things that his guest says he is well able and equipped to challenge them on such points. Even if they do not hit a conclusion one way or the other that only goes to show how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
John Perkins worked in the fiat debt slavery business with international financial institutions and wrote an international bestseller on the topic, Confessions of an Economic Hitman - I did review this away back in Sep 2022.
At first glance, it might seem that human atrocities stem from impulses of greed, power hunger, or an inherent failure to collaborate. Yet, if we take a closer look at the systems that underpin the current world economy, a disturbing pattern emerges: exploitation and war may not only be inevitable, but in fact rational responses to the financial structures in place.

Corruption from the ground up
Wars and conflicts are not anomalies in the global order. Instead, they are logical outcomes of the incentives embedded within the economic system — driven and exacerbated by fiat currency and endless money printing.
At first glance, it might seem that human atrocities stem from impulses of greed, power hunger, or an inherent failure to collaborate. Yet, if we take a closer look at the systems that underpin the current world economy, a disturbing pattern emerges: exploitation and war may not only be inevitable, but in fact rational responses to the financial structures in place.

Click above to read - or here for Guy to read it to you
The most important takeaway from this is The Impossible Trinity, also known as the Trilemma of International Finance. Once you understand this you will see many things rather clearly.
More in this issue
- Photo memories - around Sanam Chai this week
- Project Updates - Privacy and Amazon alternatives - Nostr as a platform
- Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
- Closing out - So many things that you never knew

Around Sanam Chai this week
🛠️ Project Updates
Last week's warnings proved rather prescient. Apple has gone ahead and removed ADP for UK users. Amazon has gone ahead and removed the Kindle book download feature provoking widespread outrage from users promising never to buy any more Amazon books if other sources exist. Alternatives to Kindle are doing rather well and in general I see more and more people being fed up with Big Tech and their relentless creeping lock-in, subscription-grab and surveillance. It's about time.
Well - that was quick!
Hot on the heels of my warning last week, the UK Tyrants (aka Government) have indeed gone ahead and enforced their desire to prevent UK citizens from having private discussions - indeed any privacy at all. These actions are repulsive, disgusting and unjustifiable. That said, I expect that most will just roll over and take it like they did with the Covid Crimes. For those who still care and who want to be somewhat proactive, Henry has a good explainer with step by step guide:

An important element of your escape from Apple-land is to get your photos out of their control. Just like Amazon (with your book purchases), Apple intentionally makes it difficult for you to move away from their grasp through your photos and the perceived "sunk cost" that you have with them. One escape hatch is undoubtedly "Ente" as Henry describes below. I am looking into it and a few others and will be sharing my findings and recommendations here as we go forward.

Alternatives to Amazon for books
Amazon is a genuinely hostile company to deal with - both as a customer but they are also hostile towards their providers - eg the authors of your books. They often demand that authors use Amazon as a sole channel they withhold payment for ages, extracting large fees in the process. They consider customers as a resource "to be milked".
If, like many, you are looking for alternative sources - check here below and go back to read my (and others) experience of switching to Kobo.

Nostr - building essential alternatives
Happy to have some more updates on Nostr. You will recall that this is the decentralised alternative to Social Media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram but it is also much more.
Many are fed up with app stores controlling what you download and who gets paid. We need alternative ways to directly connect with developers, verify the authenticity of their apps and support them directly using Bitcoin. Nostr, the decentralised social network, could be an opportunity to unlock a new era of app distribution. We may not succeed, but we will give it our best shot!

Read the article here - click above and Guy will read it to you
BTW - the implications of app-store control go very far. The State (Empire) can simply demand that apps be removed and Big Tech will just comply - this is what Fascism looks like - the State enforces its dogma through subservient companies and a money system that enforces Social Credit. You should see why alternatives and the ability to exit are essential.
BTW2 - I foresee too that Nostr can well be an alternative channel for eBook distribution - indeed all forms of digital content and Bitcoin over Lightning and eCash are the payment systems.
🔗 Links for your edification
The following are links from my NetNewswire feeds - learn, enjoy and share. I have told you before that you likely do want to have your trusted information sources tracked and available and RSS is the way to go.
Instead of letting social media algorithms serve up Empire propaganda content online, consider using RSS to follow your trusted sources. Here's some (mostly) free and open-source recommendations for how to get going with RSS.

The big picture - it is all rather clear now
I have introduced you to Fadi Lama before. This is part 2 of a series of articles that he is now publishing. Recommended reading. In this he lists five instances of psychological manipulation being used to control the masses. You may well have fallen for some of these or know others who did - and maybe still do.

Are you awake to these yet - or will you just sleep on?
Once seen, you cannot unsee these things and there are many more. It is all rather liberating to observe them and rise above it - do not participate in the nonsense.
For the record
I realise that everyone is fed up with Covid discussions and I am past trying to wake anyone up to what happened. That said, we should not forget what was done and Sasha and Debbie have a good collection of the evidence. Don't say that nobody told you.

Click for the definitive collection of evidence and a call to action
She ends with a call to action for any real journalists, with pointers to all the information that they need. As you know it is the broken money system that keeps people bound to toe the party line. Here too, I see that Nostr and monetisation via Bitcoin provides hope and an exit.
🤔 Closing Thoughts
I know that many of you enjoyed Jason's talk last week where he went through his analysis of the breaking of the first and second seals and also his expectations for the third seal starting in 2028. So, here is another set of insights from him. This talk is rather more relaxed than his usual style. He shares hundreds of pieces of evidence from books of the Medieval period to the 1800s - you can form your own conclusions.
I'm confident you haven't seen most of this material: strange things in the sky, unusual celestial objects, red fallout, blood from the sky and sickness seen in the sun and moon. Highly localised destructions that are anomalous because neighbouring cities, communities and even states should have witnessed the same, but did not. Our world is not what you think.
Click to watch - an excellent walkthrough of much that you never knew
For those of who who want to further substantiate this and investigate, I recommend reading The Book of the Damned by Charles Fort. We discussed this when I was in Belfast back on 2023.

You can easily obtain the book for free as PDF and I recommend reading while listening to one of the many audio-book copies that you can freely download.
If you have not seen it yet, I recommend Jason's "Occultus Mysterium". It is a long listen but he cites and shares hundreds of references to things that you never knew and have been hidden and withheld from public knowledge.

Most of the books that he cites can still be found on archive.org or Anna's Archive - use Tor browser.
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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix

- The Architect
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