158 - Asiatique & Ancient City

158 - Asiatique & Ancient City
At Muang Boran - Ancient City this week

🇹🇭 V and I have had a super busy week. I have been out and about meeting with bitcoiners and newsletter subscribers here and we have been catching up on all the things that got put on hold when we went back to Holywood for a few weeks.

Monday was the regular Satoshi Square Bitcoin meetup (nice to be back in Soi 23); as usual super-interesting discussions and lots of people from all over the world. Topics included Bitcoin as well as all the Geopolitical nonsense that is ongoing. Everyone that you meet at these meetups is awake to what is happening and it is especially valuable that they can also give you unique and personal insights to what is really happening in their own country.

Tuesday V and I were up early and after a nice coffee at Terminal 21 we took the BTS all the way to Keha station (end point) and then a taxi 5 mins further to the Ancient City (aka Muang Boran). This is a super-interesting site in the shape of Thailand and throughout the park they have miniature replicas of the main historic sites corresponding to that region. Highly recommended as a day trip. For additional sensation and realism you can dress up in Thai Traditional Dress and drive around the park in a Golf Cart. Super great fun. V and I had a fantastic day out.

We have been busy also completing our postponed medical and dental checkups. We should be all done by next week and I'm happy to report that we have both got a clean bill of health for the coming years. This certainly is one thing that you want to pay attention to and you must not trust the mainstream propaganda - DYOR!

We also had a great time at Asiatique. Even if you have been in Bangkok for a while you may not know about this place. It's mainly an evening venue - you get to it from Sapan Taksin. Pro tip: on the pier, lots of "helpful" people will suggest that you visit the handy ticket desks where they will sell you tickets to get there but if you just keep walking along to the end of the pier, there is a free shuttle - every 30 minutes! Lots to do and see here - and a wide choice of dining. It's pretty touristy but worth a visit around sunset.

Meanwhile, the geopolitical narrative is playing out as expected (I warned you already back in 2022 - here and here) - we are in the time of the breaking of the Second Seal. Do listen to Dan's expectations for March - he gets them right, including my iPhone troubles. Do also check out Jason's recent work where he gives you undeniable evidence of all of which he speaks. I know that since the Covid Crimes many are blind to what they see but I do encourage you to watch and be aware.

Topics of the week

You likely recall that back at the beginning of February I shared a couple of items - one for Millennial/GenZ and one for everyone. I got positive feedback on this approach so I'm doing the same again. First up for the Millennial/GenZ folks is one from Tom who gives you his mid-life crisis insights/learning and this may well be of benefit. Next up for everyone is Dan's expectations for the month of March - you might have spotted this last week but I am including it here up front ICYMI and since things that he said keep coming true!

You don't need a crisis to realise this

As Tom explains, once you have watched one like this, more will appear for you - but this is one of the better ones. Those of us who have already passed this way can likely confirm much of what he says - hindsight reveals much! For those of you who still have this ahead of you this may well give you the insight and confidence that you need to take your own steps in the direction that you know you should.

Click to watch and make up your own mind

Feel free to reach out and talk to me if you like - I'm happy to share my own insights.

ICYMI - March will be bumpy

I expect that most of you will think that Astrology is nonsense and I do agree that most of what you encounter is. However some is different and rather more firmly based on experience and historical research. I suggest that this is worth a listen and you can form your own opinion. Suffice to say that his expectations for January were spot on and his latest expectations are also hitting the mark - right down to my bad experience with a recent Apple purchase (more on that below). Consider too his observations about Germany. At a certain point, you will see too many "coincidences".

So much of what he expected has already materialised

Dan's work is based on historical and exoteric analysis of previous conjunctions and events - rather like the work of Jason. BTW I recommend that you do not skip Jason's latest findings in Closing Thoughts below.

More in this issue

  • Photo memories - Ancient City this week
  • Project Updates - Decentralisation is important and avoid the bad Apple
  • Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
  • Closing out - Phoenix, Ophis, Pi and Phi and much more

🛠️ Project Updates

Just a couple of updates this week. The first is a lesson to you if you need a new phone - caveat emptor is the least you can say. The second is a fascinating interview from which I learned a lot about the work that Tether is doing in the open source space, especially in relation to Peer-to-Peer technology.

Bad Apple - it's over

Dan did warn me that things could go wrong with a significant purchase and that it would likely need to be returned. So it was with my recent iPhone purchase.

I hesitated long and hard about getting a new iPhone (to replace my aged iPhone 13) since I did not want one of the latest models that include the AI nonsense and surveillance features. The fact that Apple was making the older models harder to obtain (eg the EU and UK phase-out of non-USB-C phones) pushed me to grab an iPhone 14 in Hong Kong. BAD MOVE.

Unknown to me, despite being sold in the IFC Mall (right above the airport checkin) they sold a HK-specific model that supports only Physical SIMs and no eSIM at all. To me (and most serious travellers) this is fully useless. Of course I only discovered this constraint when I was out of HK in Bangkok and I got round to configuring the phone.

Bangkok Apple Store could not help because it was a "special HK model" and HK Apple Store could not help because I was in Bangkok. You might recognise this as Catch-22 and I have more on such things below from Viizii.

I won't bore you with all the gory details but I have seen Apple and their Corporate Policies at their very worst this week. Despite the exceptional customer focus of many Apple Support staff, Apple Corporate is just customer hostile and wishes to extinguish everything positive. Recall we have discussed how Apple became IBM.

In the end, just like Yossarian in Catch-22, I have found a way to get back (some of) my money, despite Apple Corporate putting sticks in the wheels and blocking every customer-sensible proposal. I know "never to say never" but I think my aged iPhone 13 is the last iPhone that I will ever buy.

It's funny - I knew "in my heart" that buying the iPhone was a mistake but I did it anyway and it turned out badly. If you wonder what I recommend instead see here and here.

Preston/Arduino - The Tether interview

This is a recommended interview. It is easy to be skeptical about Tether but I think (like with Bitcoin) that much of this is FUD put about by the Empire to scare people away. What I also see is that, just like with the wars, the Empire funds BOTH SIDES. Like that they can cause division and hatred and they can walk away on the winning side whatever happens. Obviously this is all made possible through the Cantillon Effect and the Broken Money.

BTC223: Tether’s 13.7 Billion in Profits w/ Paolo Ardoino - The Investor’s Podcast Network
BTC223: TETHER’S 13.7 BILLION IN PROFITS W/ PAOLO ARDOINO 25 February 2025 In this episode, Preston and Paolo discuss Tether’s massive $13.7 billion profit,

A most informative interview

All that said, listen and learn how Tether achieved $13.7 billion in profits last year with just a few dozen staff - it is the most profitable company ever! You will also understand why Wall Street banks might try to compete in the stablecoin space.

They then go into a fascinating discussion on running Tether on the Lightning Network via TAP (Taproot Asset Protocol) and discussing the many challenges and opportunities in Lightning Network routing. This is only one aspect of all of the Open Source and Peer-to-Peer technology that they are developing.

Whether you like them or not, they are a massive and well-funded player in the market and Paolo does say all the "right things". For me at this time, they get the benefit of the doubt and I will be exploring their technology further.

The following are links from my NetNewswire feeds - learn, enjoy and share.

Catch 22 - there is a way to beat the system

If you have not been following him, Viizii is an interesting character. He is Russian, living in the UK now for many years. He lives an ordinary life in the Midlands and has recently found a new creative outlet sharing his insights. He does this rather well and I found this recent one both interesting and prescient.

Don't let yourself be trapped by the system

It is so true that the "system" will give you the impression of options and choices but, in reality, those only serve to keep you contained within the system. As Viizii explains (and Yossarian discovered), you likely want to seek your own/alternative options and not allow yourself to be constrained.

All of this reminded me of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - you might recall that we have discussed how each of these habits is the exact opposite of what people usually do and how they usually react in situations.

13 - Choices and Decisions - who makes yours?
I have been really busy this week with work - albeit back in Madeira - so I had little time to read or do much other than work. In the coming weeks I should have more time - I am taking a few weeks off work and have quite a

In case you have forgotten - check what we discussed in May 2022

BTW - also in that newsletter I describe and demonstrate MindMapping - another life-changing technique that you can also adopt and enjoy.

Wise words

Richard sometimes takes time out from his interview schedule to reflect and share his thoughts on what is happening and insights that he has gleaned from all his conversations. So, it is this week. Well worth a listen. WDYT?

Well worth a listen

The next blow...

For years, I have used Skype for international phone calls. This was the simplest and best solution. It was cheap and reliable and you could have a single account working on multiple devices using anonymous email. I liked it too because you could but could top up your account with Cash and even Bitcoin over Lightning. Well that all ends on 5 May when (evil) Microsoft discontinue the service.

Click for their announcement

Their suggestion is that you move to Microsoft Teams - this is certainly not something that you would want to consider - it does not offer outgoing phone calls - the one useful feature that Skype had and did rather well.

Needing some alternative, the best that I can find is Viber. It has been around for quite some time and it does seem to work but I find it rather privacy-invasive. I'd love to hear if you have alternative or recommended international calling services - let me know!

🤔 Closing Thoughts

Only one closing thought for this week - it's a long one and rather good. Firstly, you should likely go back and watch Jason's catalog of strange events that he described last week. Many of these, and more, are also documented in The Book of the Damned by Charles Fort. Note the years of the events he describes.

By now, you ought to understand Jason's discovery of the 138 year cycle in history where cataclysms and strange events occur - the most recent one being 1902. If you have looked into Ophis work, you will understand has found other cycles/correlations in Isometric projection (forwards and backwards from a date), including some specific multiples.

For example: The Empire State Building was the tallest building in New York until 1973 with the Ribbon Cutting for the Twin Towers taking over as being tallest. 28 years after that you had the 9/11 event. What you likely forgot (or did not know) is that 28 years before 1973 in 1945 a plane flew into THE SAME FLOORs of the Empire State building. Just a coincidence?

Jason has discovered that many more correlations occur if you multiply or divide the time intervals by Pi (3.14) and Phi (1.618). You may know too that Pi and Phi feature significantly in measurements in the Giza Pyramid. In this video he pulls it all together.

Click for another fascinating explainer - when are there too many coincidences?

BTW2 - Current events are also following Isometric projections around 2020. Consider the evidence before you dismiss it - it does all lead up to May of 2040. I did cover this in quite some depth when we were in Sardinia 3 years ago - check here to refresh your memory - below for supporting documentation.

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix
How to escape the matrix - do you see it yet?
"99% of all subjects accepted the program if they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of the choice at an unconscious level"
- The Architect

Any questions or anything else? Feel free to comment below!
You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

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