49 - Already a month in Bangkok - time flies!

🇹🇭 Wow - I can hardly believe it but we have been here in Bangkok now for a month and what a fabulous month it has been. I really appreciate living in the center of a world city with so much going on, so many interesting people to meet and it's warm and sunny!
This week I had a bit more time to read and think about things so I have quite a smorgasbord of topics to cover this week - each with a bit of depth. Enjoy and do follow the links to interviews you can watch and listen to as well as the related articles and books to read.
I am enjoying the Bitcoin meetups here in Bangkok - I have been pleased to help some more people start using Lightning to receive and spend with bitcoin and we are getting some peer-to-peer trading experience. If you are interested do check out Issue 14 and Wallet of Satoshi is a simple and recommended lightning wallet - very easy to get started - an interesting alternative to Phoenix.
We are enjoying our daily and weekly routine here in Bangkok - it's quite different from Hong Kong and also from what you can do in Europe. One thing that we do look forward to is our weekly visit to the food and vegetables market (Khlong Toei) - it is on a scale that you likely cannot imagine. You will find all sorts of interesting things, the people are friendly, the prices are good and the food is fresh daily.
The main thing this week
This week, the news has been rather spectacular as the lies and corruption from the Davos crowd becomes more clearly exposed. Thankfully there are people who are speaking up clearly and taking a strong stance against it - they deserve all our support. Read on for insights and opportunities.
Guy updates us on the Dystopia that is the WEF at Davos: there are 10,000 Global Leaders and Shapers so some of them will be near you. I do agree with Guy that these people are wildly out of touch with reality and wallowing in ridiculous levels of corruption and dishonesty. Time to get rid of these people or at least ignore them and use your vote for people who have no associations with all this nonsense. Do not allow yourself and your friends/neighbours to be divided up against eachother.
You will likely have seen the disgraceful admissions coming out of Pfizer - for a blow by blow analysis watch here. start at 8m30:

Jesus Enrique is a really interesting analyst to follow - check his twitter feed here for further insights to what is "on display at the town hall" - recall Arthur Dent's realisation.
And if all that was not bad enough - it gets even worse - remember Thalidomide?

Covid - examples of positive action
Thankfully - there are courageous individuals who are now taking steps to use the full power of the law to push back on the corruption that is clearly exposed. See here the latest update from Pascal Najadi - developments in 🇨🇭 Switzerland and 🇹🇭 Thailand.
You might want to go back and review the last discussion with Pascal in December.
Dilemma of the Vaccinated
For those who are concerned about all this - I recommend that you read Dr Malone's article "The Dilemma of the Vaccinated" - it explains two important options going forward : Option A and Option B. For now, most people are choosing Option B. We can only hope that many individuals that were coerced in taking the inoculations without informed consent will realise that Option A will increase their chances of not only improving their lives (if they are unlucky to be affected by the inoculations), but also the health of society as a whole.

Pascal makes some further practical suggestions - REQUIRED ACTION to take now and in February - this article is in German but Google Translate (just paste in the link) or apple Safari should offer to translate it into perfect English and if he releases it in English I will include it here - his call is to Swiss people in support of the criminal prosecution of members of the Swiss government and these actions apply for all governments that are complicit.

People in other countries are waking up to the dreadful reality. I suspect most of my readers are already fully aware of the lies our governments have told us about “COVID” but if you have friends and family who are only recently waking up and need something to gently ease them into the new age of enlightenment, there are few who express it better than this:

It is time to "SAY NO" and stop supporting the narrative...

Happy to hear from a subscriber that people in Belfast are waking up and taking positive and constructive actions - do go along and support if you are there.

Read on - more in this week's newsletter
- 📸 Around Bangkok - photo memories from around town this week
- 🛠️ Project update - Nostr is very interesting
- 🎓 Links for reading, listening and learning
- 😳 Some rather thought-provoking observations and analysis

Project Update
This week I have been looking deeper into Nostr and getting more familiar with it. Recall that Nostr stands for "Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays". A couple of good introductory one page explainers here and here.
I am so impressed by how quickly this fully open source project (github) has taken off; it really is like going back to the early days of the internet and now that we have Bitcoin and Lightning it feels like this may well go big. There is a really dynamic community of developers and projects pop up everywhere - it is sooooo early and exciting.
One example of an app that has sprung up is Nostrgram - check it out! I think that this discussion sums up @jb55's recent struggle with the Evil Empire; at its heart is the basic issue of self-sovereignty and decentralisation may The Force be with him.
You can follow me here on Nostrgram. You will notice the lightning symbol and this is already revolutionising how people can monetise and pay for services - more on this certainly in subsequent weeks.

Another example of the creativity around this is NIP69 and Larry's proposal.

As for any naming service - this is not a trivial problem even though it may seem that it ought to be a "solved problem" there are complexities that emerge once you start to have any global namespace. Listen to Larry explain his reasoning and approach - I am happy to have met him here in Bangkok - one of many like-minded people. This is a fascinating discussion including the philosophical topics at the end!

I recommend also reading Marty's recent article to understand further how all this works and fits together. Open Source projects, when linked, enable all sorts of new possibilities. Like he says: "This is what the "Web 3.0" bros think they're building, but instead it's enabled by open-source protocols that make sense for the use cases and not some Frankenstein blockchain with a speculative token attached to it."

And this is an interesting article on monetisation of relay servers - it is early!

Geopolitics and Empire
I listened to a couple of fascinating interviews by Hrvoje Morić and I am happy that he too seems to be have been reinstated on Twitter.
This first one with Gabriel Custodiet discusses the intellectual history of the era which spawned the true death of privacy: 1890-1930. Clear and convincing information on what led to the birth of statism and of eugenics, as well as the belief that we have inherited today: that a scientific elite can and should try to solve all of society’s problems. Privacy as an explicit concern arises during this time as a response to growing centralisation: centralisation being the antithesis of privacy. This includes interesting insights on the work of HG Wells, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell - indeed reading, thinking and discussing seem to be lost skills to so many these days.
Listen to the interview here:
I bought and can recommend his book - full of real, practical and useful advice:

Do listen also to Gabriel's Mission statement here - and then listen to whatever interests you in his feed - they are all high quality information.
The second interview by Hrvoje Morić is equally eye-opening and you will see clear links with what Gabriel explains. Claudio Grass discusses the global push for the centralisation of power (e.g. planet lockdown, metaverse, global government), why it will fail, and why the future is more decentralised. The artificial war in Ukraine is the old agenda (e.g. Mackinder, Brzezinski) that Europe and Eurasia should never come together. He views the East versus West conflict as one giant puppet show. People could lose 30% of their assets this year as we see food shortages and further deterioration of the economy. He discusses life in Switzerland and why he’s bearish on Europe. Watch the interview here:
🔗 Links and things
"Today no money in the world fully performs all three services. National currencies are being used as means-of-payment and standard-of-value money, but none in this inflationary age is an assured store-of-value money. In fact, a foremost concern to voters and politicians everywhere is that so many currencies are so rapidly losing their value in terms of commodities and services. Commodities like gold and silver, which are being used as store-of-value money, are not being used as either means-of-payment or standard-of-value money. Thus the world we have so long known, in which most currencies were redeemable at a fixed price in a store-of-value money like gold, is in disarray." - John Exter, at AIER (in 1972!)

You can read the original paper from 1972 here - consequences of 15 Aug 1971.
This reminded me of this fascinating paper by Der Gigi - click below to read and/or listen. You may be surprised to learn that the difference between the Linden Dollar, World of Warcraft Gold, Fortnite V-Bucks, the Euro, and the US dollar is only in scale, not in nature!

Neil points out what the British Army has been doing against the UK population that are considered to be the enemy!

George G's summary of Jordan Peterson's recent announcement makes refreshing listening - this is like a breath of fresh air indeed:

Finishing up this section with another fantastic monologue from Charlie Robinson - a well balanced discussion. China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” is a multi-trillion dollar global infrastructure project that harkens back to its original Silk Road roots to connect the regions of the world into a massive trade network. The project is currently underway and is expected to be completed in the middle part of the century, but the project isn’t without controversy.
Can China pull off the most ambitious construction project in the history of the world, or is it simply a covert way of enslaving unsuspecting countries into a devious debt trap laid by the CCP - just as the US has done for decades. His conclusion may well surprise you.
🤔 Closing on a lighter (surprising?) note
You may or may not have discovered Jordan and his work. Whatever you may think of it, he does spot likely imminent and upcoming "coincidences" and more often than not they do happen. You can check back in his feed on the events around the eclipses of last year.
and he recently did a most interesting session together with Doe-nut - referring to and analysing many of the Rituals that are going on at present. Recall too our discussion of the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games.
Lastly, and likely not unrelated, remember about the Pet Goat.
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