35 - Another week in Phuket

🇹🇭 We are into the second week of our stay here - resting and recuperating in Southern Phuket. Weather has improved and whilst there is still rain most days at least it falls as showers in the afternoon instead of relentlessly! We are taking maximum advantage from our sojourn here.
Among other things we did a walkabout in Phuket town as well as in the Naka weekend market. Surprisingly large and well-stocked and interesting to compare with Chatuckak last weekend!

Daily routine starts with a walk - somewhat like I used to do in HK with my Peak hikes followed by yoga and then light lunch. After lunch we have personal trainer one on one sessions most days. Never too old to learn new tricks I am even doing some Muay Thai - so you have been warned! Different things happen in the afternoon including reading and time for my projects as well as swimming, relaxing, sauna and ice-bath. The days finish up with yin yoga and Thai massage. Batteries should be well recharged by the time we leave.
Among other things it is really good to be in daily contact with real people who have chosen to disconnect from the nonsense that is going on in the wider world. Also it's good to be with people who are awake and taking steps in positive directions with can-do, innovative and entrepreneurial attitude rather than being dependent and expecting government to do something useful. You see quickly the strength of community - so do seek that out and foster it around you!
Reminder that chapters 10 and 11 of The Sovereign Individual are "in play" at present check them out if you need hints or tips.
At least I seem to be consistent
This week I was reminded of something I wrote back in 2008 in a Senior Management workshop - one of those Meyers Briggs workshops that everyone got to do together. Already 14 years on and I would not change a single word! In case you had not guessed, I am an Artisan Crafter ISTP.

Interesting as MBTI is there are plenty of alternative scales and one that I particularly like is the Enneagram. Read here a comparison vs MBTI and what the Enneagram tells you that MBTI does not. You might recognise me as Type 8 - Challenger.

Type Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others' lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring.
Perhaps you recognise me? How about you - do share your insights below.
Understanding Money and Bitcoin
Last week I promised you answers to some frequently asked questions including:
- where do bitcoins come from?
- how can I obtain bitcoin?
- how and where to safely store your bitcoin?
- how to spend bitcoin and use it for transactions or exchanges of value?
As I reflected on this I realised that I had already written this back in Issue 14 of the newsletter - it really is an A-Z with explanation and practical tips. Do look back (click image below) and feel free to ask any questions you have below. It is still early; you are not too late.

Do ask any questions you have below - happy to explain or discuss with you too.
🎓 Reading, listening and learning
Below are some more interesting sources that I came across, or was reminded of, in the past week - for your enjoyment and edification:
This looks like it might be an interesting substack - check it out!

An interesting retrospective review by Ivor of his analysis and predictions from two years ago, with the benefit of hindsight: This talk covers EVERYTHING worth knowing and understanding - in less than 30 minutes.

In case you still believe the official narrative - do consider this testimony that was given to the US Senate back in January of this year - somehow the mainstream media sees fit not to mention this or have it discussed in any way. This is but one extract from a 5 hours session.
In similar vein, Dr Aseem Malhotra expresses similar views in the UK.
For those who feel compelled to "time the markets" you might do well to consider CTO Larsson's analysis. He is pretty much in line with Guy's latest weekly news update.
Neil warns about what Rishi will probably push - wake up.
Neil also reminds you of things that you might want to have prepared just in case things do not go the way you would like them to.
🤔 You likely want to give this proper consideration
Another walk and talk from Max. You will likely be horrified by some of the examples that he highlights. Divide and conquer with unlimited gaslighting is fully in progress. Can you honestly say that you agree with how your government is spending your money and that your approve of them destroying your and your children's wealth in the name of whatever nonsense they currently say? At what point is enough enough? Recall our discussion back in Issue 09.

BTW - do not be fooled by the apparent "admissions of mistakes around Covid" that you are seeing now from politicians and even 0n mainstream media. This is just to pacify you and persuade you that you should not bother t0 do anything since they "have it in hand for you".
It is past time to stop accepting the nonsense and peacefully stop complying with the ridiculous rules that are being pushed on you. Turn off your TV. Talk to your neighbours, go down the pub and meet people and leave your smart-phone at home. Use cash and avoid "contactless payments".
🤪 Finishing up on a lighter note
Halloween is seen in our modern age as a day lacking in any historical meaning. It has become known for scary movies, candy, costumes and mischief. But there is a deep, universal tradition behind Halloween, also known as the Festival of the Dead, All Souls Day or Feast of the Ancestors. This festival is observed around the world, in the northern and southern hemispheres at the SAME time of year. Let's take a dive down the rabbit hole with Randall Carlson to uncover the mysterious origin of Halloween. You will likely be very surprised by this; the explanation that he gives around 40-45mins is especially clear.

...and for reference - here you have the eclipses this year... you might be surprised at what else happens on those days.

In not entirely unrelated vein: perhaps you think you know all that's worth knowing about the Pyramids and of course the "bent pyramid" is just broken. Think again...

In case you need some academic context and foundations - do check out Randall Carlson's AfterSkool explainer here: Hidden Mathematics, Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time & Cosmic Cycles. It is well worth a watch and you will learn lots. Remember that we did discuss this back in Issue 21
For when you need to go deeper, consider Jason's explanation - you can watch the entire video (click below) or he gets quite specific here. Jason is rather "full on" and "in your face" but you have got to admire his mastery of his data and results of more than 20 years of research on original documentation and publications.

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