64 - Cloudy and cool weather

64 - Cloudy and cool weather
Forn des Teatre - downtown Palma

🇪🇸 Here in Palma this week the weather has been rather mixed.  Quite a change from the last month or so.  This is pretty much first time that we have had rain showers during the week since October, back in Phuket, and our week in Northern Ireland (of course)!  That said it is still rather pleasant here and we are glad not to be in the heat of Bangkok and from what I hear the humidity is building as usual in HK.  Overall, Mediterranean islands are not a bad place to be in the spring and early summer.

Around town there are plenty of open-air markets and there does seem to be an increasing number of visiting tourists.  Out in the harbour you can also see immense cruise liners most days and it's easy to spot the groups therefrom as they amble around town with their little badges following their guide with sign on a stick!

It was nice to have the regular Bitcoin Meetup here in Palma - an interesting and welcoming crew that meets in the Havanna Bar nearby.  Hello to the Australian folks that I met there and the Europeans including the nice German folks who organise and run things.   There is likely a bitcoin meetup near you - look it up and go along.  You can find them on meetup.com and via orangepillapp.  

During the week it's also great to enjoy the local sports and leisure facilities - these are among the best you will find.

Palma Sport & Tennis Club - Palma de Mallorca
Palma Sport & Tennis Club es un moderno club social que ofrece lo último en deportes, SPA y bistró. 70 actividades semanales, Pilates, yoga, cross training, body pump, TBC, natación…
Just great- busy schedule

Video of the week

It is encouraging that more and more people are waking up to the lies that have been told over recent years - not least around Coronavirus.   Be aware however that  Coronavirus is only a small part of much bigger lies that are going on all around you.   The lockdown and surveillance techniques that were deployed for CV are about to be rolled out and weaponised against you yet again for yet another scam - as the unelected powers that be unleash their "Polycrisis".  

If you watch only one thing this week, it should be this explainer from Ivor.  Do share with friends and family who may also be wondering what is going on and why.

The ultimate summary - watch and share with friends and family

Remember - it's easy to spot a scam:

If any problem is being presented as a "global crisis" then it is a scam.
The presentation of any problem for which the only acceptable solutions are global ones needing global authority and control is obviously a scam and a threat to your sovereignty.

Likewise - anything that presents science as Static Knowledge or Consesus is also a scam.  This will be accompanied by censorship of dissenting voices.

You can know with absolute certainty that you are dealing with a scam when dissent and open discussion is suppressed.

Watch here and open your eyes - a few scams are going on right now

For example - watch Dr Campbell's explainer on upcoming regulations that nobody voted for and which everyone should object to.

Click to watch - understand and take action

Part of the Polycrisis and long in the pipeline: watch this interview by Marty with Peter St Onge.   Central banking turns government from parasite into predator and allows it to go fully out of control.  This is a painful lesson that has been learned many times in history and that lesson is actively suppressed in all mainstream propaganda.

418: A First Principles Breakdown of the Monetary Crisis with Peter St Onge
Peter St Onge joins the show to breakdown the problems in the banking sector, fed policy, and the debt ceiling crisis from a first principles perspective.
Click to watch - interview starts here

Never accept Digital-ID,  CBDC or the elimination of cash - recall Revelation 13: 16-18.   The Mark takes many forms - all of them are bad.  Recall too Harry Potter's experience.  The warnings are everywhere for those who wish to see; you may be tempted to dismiss this or ignore it - fine, but look around you and think about what has changed in recent years - do you see it yet?

You might also want to look at the recent testimony at European Parliament - click below with timestamps for individual testimony.  Thankfully some good people try to stand up to and push back on unprecedented evil.

Videos: The International Covid Summit III in the European Parliament, Brussels
The full video as well as the speaker list with presentation titles (time stamped)
Click for videos with timestamps - listen, understand and take action to demand justice

You may prefer to listen to Dr Campbell's summary with pointers for further investigation.

Click for a short 13 minute summary of the testimony - we must all reject this

More in this issue

  • Photo memories from around Palma this week
  • Project Updates - Projects get funded and building is under way
  • Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
  • Closing out - different from what you always thought

🛠️ Project Updates

The big news this week continues to be around project funding.  Hot on the heels of last week's news of the $10 million from Jack Dorsey via Opensats and 16.5 BTC funding from Human Rights Foundation the project are now getting going.

Great to see BoB Space in Bangkok unveiling the Genesis Cohort of BOB Builder Residency.  Congratulations to Jim and the team there and to all the developers - I look forward to reviewing and testing the projects and contributing where I can as they go forward!

1. @gandlaf21 - http://nutstash.app lead and @CashuBTC ecash protocol dev

2. @bitgould - http://payjoin.org on-chain privacy tools and SDK dev

3.  @1440000bytes - #joinstr decentralised coinjoin on #Nostr

Super exciting is this project.  It is one of many that will emerge.  Nutminer is a faucet that issues Cashu ecash.   You can try the project here.  Go to the link with your browser and you will be competing with everyone else to get the ecash token that is issued every minute or so - this is rather similar to bitcoin mining but you can do it on your own computer!   You can accumulate these tokens and transfer them into your Cashu wallet from which you can convert them into bitcoin over lightning.   WDYT?  This is really the easiest way to get hand-on experience.

Click above for info - try the project here
Click above to get your own Cashu wallet and try Nutminer

There is a strong and growing community of people who are building on Bitcoin.  They choose to do so not just because it is the best and most solid platform rather because it offers a better form of money than humans have ever had.  

If you were in any doubt about how costly the alternatives to bitcoin are see this lunacy from the Dutch government.  It is only one of many countries and governments doing likewise.  Recall our discussion above on Central Banking.

This week we also have Bitcoin Miami.   Look out next week for my thoughts and highlights from that - I expect many.   This interview by Peter already gives you some insight on one likely announcement.

Click to watch and learn - Fedi has so much potential

And I have got to recommend this interview of Obi with Marty in which they go deeper into the planning and potential.  I do expect more will be announced in Miami.

Lastly I am including this thoughtful interview of Michael Saylor by David Lin.  Watch and learn - it will be 30 minutes well spent.

Click to watch - 30 minutes well spent

Recall our discussion last week, inspired by Neuromancer, about Cyberpunk and the shared "reality" of Cyberspace.  Now listen to this interview by gSovereignty of Arkinox who is busy building exactly this in Nostr.  I must admit to having mixed feelings - how about you?

This next one is interesting - you will be surprised at how a few people have been repeatedly used as crisis actors and key interviewees at events that are designed to cause public outrage.  Caught red-handed and no surprise that the star of the show, Dr Lena Wen should have starred in such shows as: Covid and Boston Bombing and it is certainly no coincidence that the is Rhodes Scholar and WEF Global Leader - as Charlie has been explaining rather clearly.

Controlling Perception with Crisis Actors, Mockingbird Media, and Created Legends
How the Organized Crime “Government” and Media Deceive the Public Using Tell-A-Vision
Glitch in the matrix - click to learn more

You met Jerry a few weeks ago when he explained how is is using ChatGPT to learn Spanish.  Here he takes things a step further and shows you how you can leverage AI technology to translate Movies and Youtube videos that you watch and integrate this into your learning toolset.  This is but one example of how creative people are being with this new technology.  What are you doing?

Click to be amazed

🤔 Closing Thoughts

This one should get you thinking.  By default everyone imagines that the current moment is just a speck or a line between everything in the past and everything in the future.  Think again.   Now, the current moment is all that there is - everything in the past is gone (water under the bridge).  Everything in the future has not happened; it may or many not happen as you envisage and may or may not  be influenced by whatever you do in the current moment.    This insight was made popular in Eckhart Tolle's book - The Power of Now.

You should stop and get your head around this - this explainer may help

Click to watch and reflect

Such realisations make me think of Neo's encounter with the Spoon Boy....

Click to watch

If you look closely, you will see that this is apparently the 6th time that the kid has done this.  Recall too that the Architect told Neo that he was in the 6th instance of the Matrix - do you see it yet?

This is the 6th instance of this encounter

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix

I am assuming that you are up to speed by now on the Matrix story and why this is important - so you are ready for Neo's encounter with The Architect.  Watch and understand more...

Click for the explainer
"99% of all subjects accepted the program if they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of the choice at an unconscious level"
- The Architect

You have to see it for yourself.

Any questions or anything else?  Feel free to comment below!
You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

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