56 - Gaslighting, bad faith and apathy

🇹🇭 With all that has been going on in the world this week I am writing about what I see happening in the world around us. Like that we can have a common base understanding. You might also want to check back to Issue 9 that I wrote one year ago when we escaped from HK and explained what I foresaw happening next - sadly I seem to have been pretty accurate.
What a week that was and we are certainly "not out of the woods yet". There is plenty more mayhem planned and actively in deployment. It should be apparent to you by now that mainstream media is gaslighting you, national politicians are acting and negotiating in bad faith and many around you cannot be bothered or maybe are just overwhelmed and need help/guidance.
As I said last week, fighting with those around you is not useful - rather you/we need to unify and push back on the evil agenda - recall this. Below are links that will help you understand more (and to substantiate the claims) and also they can be useful to explain to others. Other links highlight examples of constructive initiatives where people are uniting and pushing back both locally and internationally. These are things you can support or replicate.
Withdraw your consent wherever possible and do not consent to any new initiatives presented under false pretenses.
If you are not part of the solution - you are part of the problem
Mistakes were not made
Consider Margaret Anna Alice's "Anthem for Justice", read by Dr Tess Lawrie - full text is here. As she explains: The following poem was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. Having both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like “bungled” and “blunder” to describe the crimes against humanity perpetrated under the cloak of COVID. Even well-meaning people who share similar values and goals sometimes fall into this trap being set by those preparing their parachute jump from culpability.

When Andrew Bridgen MP brought this information to the UK parliament for proper debate and response you should be horrified by the disgusting behaviour of and UK politicians of all parties scuttling like rats abandoning a ship to avoid hearing the truth.

Consider too the Netherlands where the national government is working actively to destroy the economy and, in doing so, to endanger food supplies to many other countries as well. This is just one of many concurrent initiatives being progressed by WEF Global Leaders (list here - you will have some near you too - and recall Guy's explainer).
Listen to Jordan discuss with Eva Vlaardingerbroek and Michael Yon who explain and substantiate this. Eva and Michael explain clearly how the Dutch people have been gaslighted for years, how the government "negotiates" in bad faith and relies on extended delays and reformulation of complicated legal texts to cause people to get fed up and submit or just ignore what is happening.
Michael gives examples of the same technique being used in Central and South America as well as in Japan. Look to your own country and think about what has been happening long these lines recently. This is a clear call for support and call to action.

The Tri-City that they mention is hard to find information on - strangely for something of this magnitude and considering its impact on people in Netherlands, Germany and Belgium there seems to be remarkably little awareness or consultation (other than gaslighting). I can find no evidence of any public consultation or approval for such extraordinary "investments" and expenditures and you might wonder where all the money comes from for this - hint Fiat Money and Cantillionaires at the expense of the public.

Guy has previous explained it here. You will note how they get your "voluntary permission" by you acceptance of the small-print and terms and conditions. Has anyone checked all those updates that have been coming thick and fast from every service that you use online. Caveat emptor.... "Your continued use of this service implies your acceptance of the new policy".
In this next one, Jordan goes further with a practical proposal - something that could work at an international level - an alternative forum and approach to the authoritarian one currently being imposed.

You can read about the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) here and subscribe to be notified about developments.
If you are still having trouble getting your head around "how could the government not be doing things in our best interest" watch Hrvoje discuss with Etienne de la Boetie. This is further substantiated in the other links below. This is required listening and explains a lot - very clearly. Also this.
You can download and read his book (download for free) or pay to support him.
For an example of how well-meaning people (eg local councils) have been gaslighted to be completely unaware of the part they are playing in the evil machine and how they can be awakened do watch this short 15 minute council meeting.
And then this
The other big event this week has been the catastrophic collapse of the Financial Industry (and it's not over yet) - note that as with 9/11 (recall Issue 52) you need to consider the deeper agenda at play. In this next interview Caitlin Long (CEO of Custodia Bank) explains how the Federal Reserve has been systematically (and illegally) blocking her attempt (as well as other regional banks) to have a fully reserved (not fractional reserve) bank - as an alternative model to the obviously unstable and inadequate fractional reserve system.
Given a choice most people would want their savings to be stored safely and not gambled and lost - only to be replaced with lesser value tokens after the inevitable Ponzi collapse. She is being prevented from operating such a bank - clearly people would prefer it and free-market does not exist here - authoritarian rule only. You have to play their game - they do not want you to exit and they make it difficult or even impossible to do so. Just listen to this!
A gambler is someone who gambles with their own money.
A banker is someone who gambles with other people's money.
By now you ought to understand that Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency that is not controlled by any government or central authority. On the other hand, fiat currencies are controlled by central banks and are backed only by the government's guarantee or decree (by fiat) - so when trust in the government diminishes so too does trust (and value) in the currency.
Imagine there are two types of currencies in circulation: bitcoin and a fractional reserve fiat currency (such as the US dollar, EUR or GBP).
Gresham's law suggests that in a scenario people would prefer to hold bitcoin as a store of value, while using the fractional reserve currency for daily transactions. This would lead to the fiat currency being the dominant currency for daily use, while bitcoin acts as a trusted asset for saving and investors.
Let me know in comments below or reach out and talk to me!
Consider these newsletters like a weekend magazine - you do not need to read them in one go. Tip: open the links in new tabs and you can check them later. You can leave the newsletter in your inbox to check later as well and you can always find previous newsletters at https://rogerprice.me. Like any good magazine - you can also share with friends!
More in this issue
- Photo memories from around Bangkok this week
- New project this week - your first bitcoin!
- Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
- Closing out with a follow up to last week

Project Updates
With all the current distrust in the financial authorities and governments/NGOs in general people have been asking me again about how they can get and hold Bitcoin.
New Project - your first bitcoin - your chance to participate and try
I am launching a new project this week to show you all how easy it is to receive and hold bitcoin transferred over Lightning. Follow the steps below and I will send you your first bitcoin! Why would you not do it! It takes only a few minutes!
- install Wallet Of Satoshi and send me your lightning address..

When I get your lightning address I will send you 1000 satoshis - these are your first bitcoin and they are yours to do as you wish! In subsequent weeks I will be showing you how to do more with your bitcoin. You should quickly see the advantage of free borderless transfer of value.
My lightning address (scentedkeny62@walletofsatoshi.com) is above and once you have your bitcoin you will see how easy and quick it is to exchange real value with anyone anywhere in the world. Your address will look similar, albeit with different words; you can share it by any convenient means - email, chat or messages - QR codes are handy when you are next to the person you want to trade with - for example shop owners and service providers who wish to receive payment in bitcoin.
Upcoming Projects
In the coming weeks I will be offering you the possibility to try out the other tools that we have been discussing in recent weeks, including:
- Nostr - this is a fabulous tool that has the potential to replace social-credit media services (twitter, facebook etc) and also offers censorship-free publication of information. It is fully decentralised and open source and it includes Bitcoin over Lightning as the underlying payment infrastructure.
- Cashu, Nutstash, and RedeemApp - these are remarkable tools that have the potential (along with siblings like Fedimint) to bring million- and billion-people scaling to Bitcoin.
It is still early - up to you if you want to get in.
Going further with Bitcoin
For those who want to go further or hold larger amounts of bitcoin I do recommend watching this 30 minute explainer from Dan Held. Wallet of Satoshi is OK for small amounts - spending money like coins or notes that you carry with you. For larger amounts there are other more secure tools that you should be using. Dan explains:
I also wrote up a step-by-step guide to help:
Issue 14 of the newsletter - check it out here - ask questions if you have them.
🔗 Useful links - Inform yourself
Below are a few gems from my NetNewsWire feeds - as you know I do not have any TV (and have not for over 40 years) and I do not watch or trust mainstream propaganda media - instead I selectively take information from multiple trustworthy and informed sources. NetNewsWire is your friend - as we have discussed before in Issue 13.
Whats happening?
First up is Anthony Pomp's explainer of what happened with the finance sector over the last week or so and what is now under way. Click and he will read it to you.

Weekly perspective
Next is Guy's weekly update - always informative, insightful and balanced.

Could it be possible?
You likely should listen to Whittney Webb discuss with Marty Bent and Michael Krieger. The dig into and expose the disingenuous and dishonest messages from the authorities that are supposed to protect you.

Billion dollar bet explained
This next one of Balaji talking with Anthony Pomp is interesting - his original tweet with lots of additional references is here - and he has been shouting this for quite some time. BTW - he was also right on Covid too in Jan 2020. The brazen dishonesty of those in charge is beyond all limits.

For completeness and balance - Saifedean's considered opinion is here and Techlead's opinion here.
Bradbury Pound - another thing you are not supposed to talk about
The "Bradbury Pound" refers to a concept proposed by supporters of monetary reform in the United Kingdom. The idea takes its name from John Bradbury, who was a British civil servant and politician in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The proposal suggests that the UK government should issue its own debt-free currency, similar to the "Bradbury notes" that were issued during World War I. These notes were printed by the British Treasury, rather than by private banks, and were used to finance the war effort without adding to the national debt.
Proponents of the Bradbury Pound argue that by issuing its own debt-free currency, the UK government could avoid the need to borrow money from private banks, and thus avoid the interest payments associated with such borrowing. They also argue that such a system would give the government more control over the money supply, and could help to stimulate economic growth and job creation.

Click the image below for the full explainer in PDF that you can freely share.

BTW - this approach has also been proposed by a former US presidential candidate and actively suppressed by the banking cartel there. It also came up in Iceland following the catastrophic failure there and yet again the banking cartel crushed it. We have discussed this before back in Issue 41 - reminder here.
In case you had not realised that banking is a cartel - go back and read The Creature from Jekyll Island or listen to G Edward Griffin's 1 minute explainer.
Biden criminality - who knew?
Next up - you might be interested to know that someone has gone through the entire contents of Hunter Biden's laptop and indexed every document for your understanding and analysis. Whatever your political views you cannot but be amazed that nobody in authority can see anything remotely corrupt in any of this. You can watch the video below - and/or click to access the documents below.

Somehow the US authorities have had all this information for years and they have been unable to spot anything unlawful and they still cannot find it even when asked to respond under oath.
🤔 Closing Thoughts
I did get quite some feedback from people on last week's "explainer" on world religions. Generally the feedback was positive for making things clear that are not known. A few went further and realised that indeed "they cannot all be right" and that likely the story goes deeper. ICYMI - go back and re-read Issue 54.
Now that we all have a common basis - let's dig a bit further into the Vatican as well as Catholicism. This religion and establishment is the the largest one for which there is well documented evidence of persistent wrong-doing by those you need to trust to be "in charge".
Much as your initial reaction might be (as with Covid, the perpetual wars and the banks being safe) "trust the authorities" - you would do well to have a better informed opinion.

Jay does point out that all the information covered in this interview is readily available and checkable in public domain. Think back to news reports around you about Catholic priests misbehaving; that was just the tip of the iceberg being exposed. Think too about the Pope's insistence that everyone should be vaccinated and check your bible: Revelation 13: 16-18. It's funny how many people miss that one - it's hardly like it was secret or hidden!
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