How to get what you want...

How to get what you want...

… and want what you have

In "How to get what you want, and want what you have" John Gray explores several key concepts that can help you find contentment and satisfaction in life:

  1. Desire and Contentment: Understand your core desires and distinguish between genuine needs and mere wants. True contentment comes from aligning your desires with your values and prioritising what truly matters.
  2. Gratitude: Appreciate what you already have, rather than constantly seeking more, is a key to happiness. Gratitude helps shift the focus from lack to abundance.
  3. Living in the Present: Be present in the moment and do not fixate on the past or future. We discussed this extensively in my review of Eckhard Tolle's "Power of Now".
  4. Balancing Goals and Happiness: Set and pursue goals but be cautions against becoming obsessed with achieving them to the detriment of your well-being. Striving for success should not overshadow your happiness and well-being in the present.
  5. Letting Go of Attachment: Letting go of attachment to material possessions and outcomes can lead to greater happiness. Our current travel schedule facilities this!
  6. Personal Responsibility: Take personal responsibility for your own happiness. You are the one who can change your attitude and approach to life. Recall too that we discussed this extensively back in Newsletter 13 of May 2022.
  7. Communication and Relationships: Effective communication and maintaining fulfilling relationships are essential aspects of finding contentment.
  8. Spirituality: A connection to a higher purpose or a spiritual practice can contribute to overall well-being. Recall our discussions on "Making your own reality"