54 - Make room in the centre

🇹🇭 We are both busy with our projects and daily lives here in Bangkok and enjoying the warm, dry and sunny weather. One of the best things about being here is that you just get on with your life. People are friendly, the weather is nice and best of all you do not see any of the western mainstream media - neither TV nor anything else.
Bangkok has great entrepreneurial and small-business spirit - walk along the streets and you see it everywhere - and it is a strong cash economy. There are markets everywhere full of locally produced food, tuk-tuks and motorbike taxis, food stands where you can get breakfast through to late night snacks, coconuts, durian and fresh fruit; you have all the service industries for which Bangkok is well known and they do good haircuts too - walk around and you will see lots of family businesses and many streets have particular specialisation (engine repair, carpentry, metalworking and recycling etc), not to mention all the cannabis shops and vans that entrepreneurs have opened in the last year or so.
As one who grew up in Belfast in the 1970s through "The Troubles" I know for sure that fighting and war is never the right answer - recall our discussion back in 07 - Time to Wake Up and 08 - How fed up are you?
With hindsight it should be obvious that such fighting is instilled into populations by the corrupt governments who are supposed to represent them - such that they (and the corporations that control them) can oppress, control and extract taxes from them. They will always divide and provoke populations and then use this to conquer: protestants vs catholics being just one example.
In 2019 I saw these same tactics and techniques being used in Hong Kong (yellow vs blue) - and then also in Bangkok (yellow shirts vs red shirts). These tactics are used everywhere: Republicans vs Democrats, Conservative vs Labour, Sinn Fein vs DUP/Unionists - they are all the same - they have all been compromised and corrupted by the evil cancer that has metastasised throughout society. Recall John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hitman. You can also read how WWI and WWII were funded in Saifedean's The Fiat Standard - not to mention The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Wake up, folks. Look back at what has happened over the last three years with Covid-19. How many lies have you been told and yet more become unearthed every day as more and more people around you die suddenly - (and here and here). The cantillionaires fund both sides of every war; they can do so because they have access to the money-printer and they do not have your best interests at heart.
For those who are concerned about all this - I recommend that you read Dr Malone's article The Dilemma of the Vaccinated - it explains two important options going forward: The first one, Option A, will increase your chances of not only improving your life (if you are unlucky to be affected by the inoculations), but also the health of society as a whole.
Do not allow yourself to be provoked to fighting with those around you. We have all been wronged - violated by those who were suppose to represent us and we must unite against the greater evil and use all legal channels and peaceful actions to obtain justice - as Pascal and John describe below.
Above all - avoid fighting with friends and family and those around you.
There is room in the centre - use it.
John Mappin with Pascal Najadi
Like John, I too recall the Thalidomide scandal and am also eternally grateful to my mother for not having taken that medication. What has happened with C19 is worse and really is a crime against humanity and we have got to appreciate and support those who are pushing back and pressing for justice and ALSO we must all push back on the further human rights violations that are being planned. Click here or the video below.
You must now take action with your local politicians as John suggests and follow all legal channels - overwhelm them. For practical guidelines and regular updates follow James Roguski - click below.

click to read and take action
In case the above was not clear enough - consider James Corbett's recent presentation at Childrens Health Defence. Another manufactured crisis.
Click to play the presentation - pay careful attention to remarks at the end
With all of this lunacy going on, my own focus is on raising awareness to what is happening and finding/building on alternative non-compromised systems that will be useful in parallel economies. Hence my interest in Bitcoin and related projects that you find in my regular updates (read below).
Each to his own - if you are not part of the solution... (quote)
More in this issue
- Photo memories from around Bangkok this week
- Update on my projects - Cashu and Nostr continue to amaze me
- Plenty of useful links - Inform yourself - don't say nobody told you!
- Closing out as usual - challenging assumptions and making you think

🛠️ Project updates
There is a strong second-hand computer market here in Bangkok and whilst it has clearly suffered from the C19 shutdowns it is still there and they are doing their best to ensure these machines do something useful. I was very happy to support local economy this week with a purchase of a Lenovo T460 - a fabulous little thing and they were happy to let me install Ubuntu Linux on it and check that all was working before wanting paid. THANK YOU - do check out Pantip Plaza and Fortune Plaza and support them. Beyond Ubuntu I am also pleased now to have an excellent little machine for running Tails - more on that in due course - do let me know if you have experience here. Nice explainer here.
Continuing my focus on Cashu - Calle and friends are doing remarkable work. The latest extraordinary development is Cashu Redeem app that allows you to easily paste a Cashu token and redeem directly to your lightning wallet - Incredible! This implements anonymous cash-out, allowing you to get bitcoin back over lightning for your tokens - how cool is that. Check out the Github here. And do check out the fantastic Cashu Docs.

What a remarkable project and proof of concept!
Excellent Bitcoin meetups this week - among other things I learned that Kucoin may well be setting up a 100 person team in HK to take advantage of the recent announcements and upcoming regulations changes there. Interesting discussions with local developers - including on Cashu and Nutstash and I got an interesting introduction to NFC cards for Lightning payments (here). Also nice to meet a Bitcoin Magazine author from Chiangmai - we had interesting discussion on Swift and how money works! I have got to recommend BoB Space - the place to be!
I was also happy to meet up with Texas Slim and learn more about his Beef Initiative - he has recently been in Australia looking to replicate the success that they now have running in United States - making quality farm-grown food directly available to the public instead of forcing it via government-controlled food processing plants (this will become increasingly important); wherever you have farmers market go there and support them and pay cash - avoid electronic/card payments.
We also started doing some "practice" peer-to-peer swaps for amounts between US$5 and US$50. This is a good way to get experience in a safe environment - so that you know how to do it and also all the ways that it can go wrong and what to do about it. Learn the skill before you need it and so that you can demonstrate it to others - helpful guidelines here at this easy link: https://rogerprice.me/p2p/:

🔗 Links for info and learning
Below are a few links I found or was reminded of this week that are useful and informative.
First up is Sorelle's recent newsletter - do read and subscribe. I do like her ancient Greek and mythological reminders of wisdom that is hiding in plain sight - in this case, the Chimera - very applicable to our current situation.

Click to read - Chimera indeed
Follow-up interview with the author
I really enjoyed Matt's recent interview with Lionel Shriver, the author of The Mandibles - recall this was book of the week back in Issue 48. Click to listen.

With all of the censorship, shadow-banning and de-platforming that has been happening in recent years it should be well apparent that open and non-censored collaboration channels are strongly needed. Right on schedule the Nostr protocol emerges and it has triggered a torrent of motivated open source development and global collaboration. I really appreciated Jason Lopp's summary - read and learn.

Click to read and learn
Richard does a fascinating interview here - listen and things will become clear. Gloria Moss and Katherine Armitage talk about their remarkable book, 'Light Blub Moments and the Power of Critical Thinking'. Why are we not asking why?

In case that was not clear enough for you - listen to Edward Dowd (former Blackrock Senior Manager) describe the recent C19 fraud. The corruption of money clearly leads to the corruption of humanity. Fiat currency enabled everything.

Ivor Cummins also shares this explainer - website is here - click video below - this really is the complete A-Z explainer in just 40 minutes.

You can download the WEF Global Leader list here - find out who in your country is corrupting your democracy and stealing your sovereignty.
🤔 Closing thoughts
In the last two issues we discussed 911 and Moon Landings. I also indicated you need to similarly distrust the official story around JFK assassination - but I guess you already know that! So this week we are taking a trip into an area that you likely do not know about and is also contrary to what you were always told.
Jason Breschears is a fascinating character. Among other things he has read the Bible 40 times and is likely one of the most widely read people you will ever meet. All of his research is from hundreds of physical books in original physical form and he distrusts material found online. Below are a few interesting examples of his work - make your own informed decision.
In the video below Jason describes many of his published books and videos - you have got to admire his grasp of historical details - he is unstoppable!

Diving deeper into one particular topic that he talks about in the above video - next is series of 3 shorter videos - this certainly should make you wonder...
First of 3 that will surprise you - truth is the opposite of what you always believed
You can go straight to the source and check Jason's website directly - this is the result of over 30 years of research and is cross-referenced to thousands of supporting historical and original documents.

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix

You have to see it for yourself.
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You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me
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