15 - On Location... Palma de Mallorca

I was on vacation this week - so we headed down to Palma de Mallorca last Sunday. It was a full day of travelling and as things go these days it was fairly smooth.
First impressions of Palma are really positive. We are staying right in the center of town, beside the Plaza Mayor. Palma is a much bigger city than I imagined - many people, lots of tourists, fantastic shopping and superb weather.
We got to visit all sorts of sights here in Palma and around the island - including:
- The Cathedral - here, here, here and here
- Soller and Port Soller - reached via its historic train
- Catalina and Olivar Markets - great places for Tapas lunch
- Plaza Mayor and streetloads of fabulous shops and pedestrian areas
- Motor Bike Trike tours of the island...
- Not to mention Super-Movil who worked magic to replace the battery in my iPhone7 that expanded causing the screen to pop off! Phone repair seems to be big business here.
Happy to say that I had time to get back to reading again this week. Inspired by Ali and Elizabeth - I was reminded of a few reading tips worth sharing:
- Have several books on the go at any one time - you will have different moods and needs every day. Best is to have a selection of books on the go to match your mood/need of the day!
- Do not feel that you must finish a book if is not working for you at this time. Some books just do not cut it - so cut them and do not feel any guilt!
- Kindle reading transforms the whole experience. Know that you can and should change the font size, margins and line spacing to optimse things.
- Audible takes things to a whole new level - if in doubt just listen to Stephen Fry read his book - Mythos. Pro tip: listen at 1.5x-2.0x speed!
Diving into the contents - some share-worthy notes:
- Meditations - Marcus Aurelius. Timeless advice from a Roman Emperor's personal diary. A short read - you can read it easily in day but you will keep wanting to dip back into it in future. Odolena's review here and Kindle's highlighting and sync into Obsidian is just great - recall Find of the Week in issue 11 . See also Einzelgänger's review here
- Illuminae - Annie Kaufman and Jay Kristof. Science fiction: Two teenagers are thrust into fast moving situations that they are totally not prepared for. The book is written/delivered in a wildly unusual layout and style (Physical book is probably eaiser than Kindle. Hayleigh's review here. This is book 1 in a series of 3.
- Brave New World - Aldous Huxley. Re-reading this considering the relevance to things IRL. Sparkey Sweet's review here - he does an amazing job in just 4 mins!
- Aesops Fables - by Aesop(!). Nice collection of wisdom from ancient times (around 600BC) and still relevant today! You likely know some of these already but good to have then collected in one handy place.
- Show Your Work - Austin Kleon. The book that transformed Ali's life and encouraged me to start with Letters from ...around the world!
It you need more, check the reading list!
Recently, I re-watched "The Matrix" and "The Matrix Resurrections". Do your own research (DYOR) but it would seem that there is more than a little predictive programming and subliminal messaging in these. Below are some interesting analyses and discussions to watch and reflect upon - it's a bit like that moment in "Sixth Sense"... once seen it cannot be unseen:
- The Matrix Ending Explained: A Guide to Freeing Your Mind
- The Matrix of Today: Influences and References Explained
- The Matrix's Many Metaphors: here
- and on The Matrix Resurrections: Ending Explained - "Fixing" Trinity Syndrome
As Morpheus said:
The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
Further insights on other topics for your cogitation and reflection
- Nathalie interviews Michael Saylor on the current situation - here
- A few Musings from Charles Hoskinson - here
- Jordan explains the Terra Luna Ritual - here
- In-depth (and lengthy) explanation about how the Luna debacle was foreseeable even without Jordan's Gematria insights - here
- James' perspective on the market and investing - here
- Neil's dire warning: URGENT WARNING! It's Started...
- A lighter one to end: Ali explains - What Am I Doing With My Life?
That's it!
No one can be told what The Matrix is.
You have to see it for yourself.
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