69 - So many things: a recap

69 - So many things: a recap
The topsy-turvy world we live in - are you awake to it yet?

🇪🇸 As we get to the end of June we are nearing the end of our stay here in Palma. It has been great - we have really enjoyed the spring weather and the location was good for us. It was especially nice to have the Tennis Club next door with all the great facilities and the fabulous swimming pool. I can absolutely recommend you join to take advantage for anything longer than a short stay!

It was also great to be next to the Catalina market. This is a daily market that gets fresh, locally produced food and operates on a cash basis. This will be increasingly important going forward and those of you who are awake will know. Islands also have the advantage that they tend to be more self-sufficient with local suppliers who are based on real incentives rather than the ESG nonsense we highlighted last week.

Another highlight is the Bitcoin meetings - do join the Bitcoin Conference here in July if you are here. The meetings are great and you likely do have a bitcoin meeting near you. You can find them and bitcoiners near you easily via meetup.com and OrangePillApp.

The weather is warming up here and it does feel a bit like how we felt in Bangkok at the end of March... it is getting to be time to move on. We have our plans set now for July, August and September. Be sure to follow along and say "hello" when we pass nearby. October and beyond we expect to be back in the East. What are your plans? Recall our discussion on this last year.

If you are having any difficulty in making your decisions, consider this.

Click to watch and act accordingly

👓 Does hindsight make it clearer yet?

A couple of reminders of what we discussed during the last year in newsletters #16 and #54. Remember too that you can search for any topics on the website.

They say that hindsight makes many things clear. So - consider what I wrote one year ago. I would hope that those of my subscribers from Northern Ireland who, like me, lived through "the troubles" should be able to see through the lies that we have all been told and continue to be told. Perhaps many more of you can too:

16 - Stop fighting!
No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. Just a short one this week - I have been really busy with work and am now starting a few weeks off. Still on location at the moment. Hope to be getting back into

Click to review of previous discussion on this topic

More recently we talked about many of these points and their implications:

54 - Make room in the centre
🇹🇭 We are both busy with our projects and daily lives here in Bangkok and enjoying the warm, dry and sunny weather. One of the best things about being here is that you just get on with your life. People are friendly, the weather is nice and best of all you

Click to review our previous discussion - maybe it is clearer now?

🇺🇦 So what about Ukraine?

Difficult as it may be you should listen to this interview of Stavroula Pabst by Whitney Webb. You ought to be disgusted at what your government is doing, supposedly in your name, with your consent and support and certainly with your savings (and your children's) money.

The Empire's plans for digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and a “Green” post-war economy proliferate in Ukraine as conflict rages, manifesting in Ukraine’s Diia app, the e-hryvnia, a corporate takeover of Ukraine’s war efforts and prospective reconstruction, and other efforts that signal a Fourth Industrial Revolution roll-out. NATO’s proxy war makes this an ideal testing ground for the Great Reset - be in no doubt: the things they are testing now in Ukraine will be used on you next.

Ukraine’s Future Lies in the Great Reset
Elite plans for digital ID, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and a “Green” post-war economy proliferate in Ukraine as conflict rages, manifesting in Ukraine’s Diia app, the e-hryvnia, a corporate takeover of Ukraine’s war efforts and prospective reconstruction, and other efforts that signal a…

Click to read - listen to the interview here - look for signs around you too

💉 And how about those vaccines?

The evidence is staring you in the face - not just for Covid Crimes but the crimes against humanity have been long running and the corruption behind them goes very deep.

Vaccines cause autism
Nearly all the world’s autism experts know it. They just can’t talk about it.

Click to read - open your eyes 

And then this: The Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) that was seen worldwide after the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out was so unmistakable that it made the general public see how much their governments had lied to them. What is less known, however, is the link between vaccines and the sudden death of children (euphemistically called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS).

The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Infant Deaths
The Disturbing Parallels between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Click to read and understand

ICYMI - be sure to watch the explainer video on the Plandemic...

Click to watch and share with others - WAKE UP - DO NOT CONSENT - backup copy here

and this to "top it off" - read this:

Being Up-to-Date On COVID Vaccines Increases Chances of Covid by 33%, Cleveland Clinic Study Shows
We Told You So! Those up-to-date were MORE likely to get COVID

Click to read

...or listen to Ed Dowd explain it here.

In case you are wondering - how could such a scheme possibly operate - how could this be coordinated and not uncovered or leaked, recall what we discussed back in Issue 42 about Compartmentalisation:

42 - Assessing things in Hong Kong
🇭🇰 We are still in HK and will be here for a few more weeks. I did manage to get back into daily routine and hiked to the Peak most days during the week despite the weather. It all feels rather strange back in HK - more on this below. We

Click to review our previous discussion on Compartmentalisation

Yes - the reality is that many of those involved in these crimes really were unaware of the part they were playing in them; that does not excuse everyone but keep this in mind.

We need to go forward together AND Justice needs to be served to those who orchestrated it - #nuremberg2

If you know someone who is (or might be) vaccine injured or bereaved because of vaccine you likely do want to watch (and share) this information-packed UK Column discussion. Plenty of very practical and important suggestions included.

Honest Conversations—Charlet Crichton, UK CV Family
Debi Evans and Charlet Crichton have an honest conversation and a catch-up about what life is like for those with vaccine injuries two years on, in 2023.

Click to watch - do share - other actions suggested in the video

Their website is herea wealth of information and your support will help them
If you have not done it yet - sign the UK Petition. Other countries here.

More in this issue

  • Photo memories from around Palma this week
  • Project Updates - Two hands-on updates and some research
  • Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
  • Closing out - the Censorship Industrial Complex

🛠️ Project Updates

After my week of study I did a couple of hands-on projects this week - nice! Also I did read a couple of interesting papers and you would do well to read them too - the first links to China, Japan and developments in the East and the second dives into the detail of one of the major news announcements of the week. The devil is very much in the detail...

Roaming Data

First up - you will recall how annoyed I was that EE had decided to price-gouge all travellers by unjustifiably starting to charge roaming fees ahead of the summer holiday period. Well - there are better options and you might be interested to give this one a go. Not only is it cheaper but it gives additional privacy options and it works about everywhere! Their Data-Plus option is what you likely want. No recurring fees - you pay just for what you use and the prices are very reasonable AND you can pay with Bitcoin, Lightning or Monero. Perfect!

Click to listen

The interview covers all the pros and cons of the service and it is great explainer on how the solution works.

For when you need to make calls or be reached you can use one or more of the many VOIP services (my favourite is Session since it requires no phone number to register). For local phone calls you may want to pick up a dumb phone (as we discussed last week) with a local pay-as-you-go SIM for calls only - no data - these are cheap and (still) easy to find.

BTCPay Server

If you want to be serious about receiving payment online for products and services the gold-standard is to use BTCPay Server - as Gabriel discusses here with Nicolas who created the server. Just do it! The instructions are here - it really is simple to get this up and running - and Lunanode does provide very cost-effective hosting options.

Click to listen

To add monero support to your BTCPay Server - follow Seth's instructions below:

Accepting Monero via BTCPay Server | sethforprivacy.com
I’ve spun up a BTCPay Server instance for my own use and built a guide out of the process, so hopefully this will aid others wanting to accept Monero at their stores, for donations, or any other use-case get up and rolling with BTCPay Server!

Click for step-by-step instructions

If all you want to do is face-to-face payments then Lightning is your friend - we have discussed Phoenix before and CakeWallet is what you need for Monero.

Research and keeping up with developments

I do enjoy Arthur's musings and explainers. This is a particularly interesting one and it does align with my expectations that things will develop more in the East. This also aligns with Joseph's thinking on Hong Kong that we discussed last week; HK is a SAR and China will use it to experiment and contain.

(Any views expressed in the below are the personal views of the author and should not form the basis for making investment decisions, nor be construed as a recommendation or advice to engage in investment transactions.) Last week, I caught up with my favourite OG volatility fund manager named David…

Click to read - developments ahead in the Far East

Next is a deep dive from Allen and it is an important one. The recent move of Blackrock to request a Bitcoin Trust/ETF is a very deliberate act. The devil is certainly in the detail and you will learn about Act 40 vs Act 33 and the most important difference of all is that the chosen vehicle does not allow you to hold the asset directly - rather you are required to go via a "trusted" intermediary and you may well find it difficult or impossible to get the underlying asset. For sure they will use this for price and market manipulation just like they have before on GLD. If you prefer, Guy will read it to you here.

Trust Me, Bro
Trusts, ETFs, and Trojan Horses

Click to read - I do not trust them - Guy's reading is here

And that all leads to this thought experiment:

Click for the original tweet and discussion

You should not be complacent. There will be a re-run of the blocksize wars and on a much bigger scale. In case you have still not worked it out - click here to understand how the attacks will proceed. The proof of evil intent is that this is included in their application. I do recommend that you listen to Matt Kratter's analysis of this exact scenario; I think he is probably right - this is the scenario that played out ending Blocksize wars with BCH and you will recall that nobody is stopping Greenpeace from making their bitcoin fork!

Continuing in the vein of "Solutions" reporting - you should be following Richard and his regular updates such as this one from last weekend:

Click to watch

As for the markets - you will likely find Maverick's weekly outlook very insightful. He outlines the likely and possible scenarios and tells you how to spot which is playing out. You may not like what he says, but he does back it up with plenty of well-researched data. And then there is his opinion on Bitcoin; he almost called it!

Click to watch - the weekly outlook and beyond

I have recently been dealing with some accountants to wrap up some required reporting and audit. This has been an exercise in mind-numbing uselessness. The reality is that these people and the job they do is total overhead on companies and society. They deliver no value whatsoever - they subtract value from the those they deal with - just like everything ESG (as we discussed last week). You would do well to read this next article on what could/should be an alternative.

Click to read - this gets my vote

🤔 Closing Thoughts - he says it like it is

When the “Twitter Files” surfaced it became apparent that there was an entire industry working behind the scenes to manipulate information, manufacture stories, and craft narratives in order to suit what the government and its many spy agencies wanted: aka the Censorship Industrial Complex.

Far beyond the normal lies and half-truths spewed on a nightly basis by the corrupt Mainstream Media, this nefarious band of propagandists was formed by factions of the intelligence agencies, social media platforms, NGOs, public relations agencies, the medical industry, academia, fact-checkers, and none other than the World Economic Forum. Charlie explains:

Charlie explains - Click to watch - start at 7 mins

And this one should both inspire you and make you think - let me know!

Click for some inspiration and thought provocation

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix

You are ready for part 2 of Neo's encounter with The Architect. Watch and understand more... refer back to previous newsletters as/if needed.

"99% of all subjects accepted the program if they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of the choice at an unconscious level"- The Architect

You have to see it for yourself.

Any questions or anything else? Feel free to comment below!
You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

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