explanation 70 - Back in Belfast 🇬🇧 This week V and I are back in Belfast for a bit - so say "hello" if you are nearby! The travel from Palma was OK, if a bit longer than we really wanted. Taxi to the airport, fly to Dublin, bus to Belfast (it is always a
gaslighting 56 - Gaslighting, bad faith and apathy 🇹🇠With all that has been going on in the world this week I am writing about what I see happening in the world around us.  Like that we can have a common base understanding.  You might also want to check back to Issue 9 that I wrote one year ago
anarchist 52 - You're welcome! 🇹🇠Another week here in Bangkok.  V and I are enjoying our time here - visiting new places in the city, working out and meeting people - and it's nice weather!  It is great to be surrounded by so many interesting people and groups - it feels the way