55 - Unravelling or controlled demolition?
🇹🇭 Still in Bangkok and the weather is warming up. It has been a bit cloudier recently but with that we seem to have a bit more humidity. Even so once you have lived in a warm country you don't want to live in a cold country any more.
V and I continued our regular regime here. Bangkok works well for us - it is the right level of comfort and convenience with good business networking and projects happening and there is a good community of interesting international people. For longer stays here you certainly do want to get away for weekend (or midweek breaks) now and again - so we will certainly keep that in mind.
We have also been planning our schedule for the coming months and things are now in place - I do hope our plans will survive the global unravelling that is happening. As I have been telling you for more than a year - this is not a drill.
On the positive side - I did have a bit more time this week for reading and catching up on things so this is a bumper issue of thought-provoking topics - do check the links to read and reflect and feel free to comment below or reach out to chat with me.
Consider these newsletters like a weekend magazine - you do not need to read them in one go. Tip: open the links in new tabs and you can check them later. You can leave the newsletter in your inbox to check later as well and you can always find previous newsletters at https://rogerprice.me. Like any good magazine - you can also share with friends!
It was also nice this week to get feedback from a few of my subscribers: it is good to hear from you - even (especially?) if you disagree with some of the messages here. Both parties learn from each other when they listen to and discuss opposing/divergent or conflicting views (recall Newsletter #13). Face to face discussion is always better where possible and you should take every opportunity to do that with friends, family and those around you in your community.
Mental exercise of the week!
Have you ever thought about the religions in the world? Let's do so:
Which one is right? Can they all be right? Could they all be wrong?
Christianity (33% of world population) and Islam (24%) are monotheistic religions that have a central figure or prophet. Buddhism (7%) is a non-theistic religion that seeks to end suffering and attain enlightenment. Hinduism (15%) is a polytheistic religion that emphasises the worship of many gods and goddesses and the achievement of liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
The key differences:
- Christianity is a monotheistic religion that is centred around the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he died on the cross to save humanity from sin. They also believe in the Holy Trinity, which includes God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the holy book of Christianity.
- Islam is a monotheistic religion that is centred around the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last prophet of God and that the Quran is the holy book of Islam. The Five Pillars of Islam are the foundation of the religion, and they include the declaration of faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca.
- Buddhism is a non-theistic religion that is centred around the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha. Buddhists believe in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which offer a way to end suffering and attain enlightenment. There is no single holy book in Buddhism, but there are many texts that are considered important.
- Hinduism is a polytheistic religion that is centred around the worship of many gods and goddesses. Hindus believe in reincarnation and karma, and they seek to achieve moksha, or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The Vedas and the Upanishads are important texts in Hinduism.
It goes further - "it's turtles all the way down"! Consider Christianity:
- Catholicism: This is the largest faction within Christianity, with over one billion followers worldwide. Catholics believe in the authority of the Pope, the sacraments, and the importance of tradition.
- Protestantism: This is a diverse group of Christian denominations that arose out of the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. Protestants generally reject the authority of the Pope and emphasise the importance of faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible.
- Eastern Orthodox: This faction includes the Orthodox churches of Greece, Russia, Romania, and other countries. Orthodox Christians place a strong emphasis on tradition, ritual, and the sacraments.
- Anglicanism: This faction includes the Church of England and other churches that trace their origins back to the English Reformation. Anglicans have a hierarchical structure, with bishops and archbishops.
- Pentecostalism: This is a movement within Protestantism that emphasises the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues and divine healing.
- Evangelicalism: This is a diverse group of Christians who emphasise the importance of personal conversion and evangelism. Evangelicals often have a strong emphasis on the Bible and place a high value on the authority of individual interpretation.
There are many other sects and subgroups within Christianity, each with their own unique beliefs and practices. For example:
- Catholicism divides into: Traditional, Charismatic, Liberation Theologists, Opus Dei and Neo-Catechumenal - among others.
- Protestantism divides into: Lutherism, Calvinism, Presbyterianism, Anglicanism, Methodism, Pentecostalism and Adventism....
And you can do similar sectarian splits within Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism.
Let me know in comments below or reach out and talk to me!
More in this issue
- Photo memories from around Bangkok this week
- Update on my projects - Cashu and Nostr continue to amaze me
- Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
- Closing out - a couple of things you MUST SEE - do not skip!
Photo memories from around Bangkok this week
🛠️ Update on my projects
I was happy to have a bit more time to do some background study and research into how money works and fails for better understanding of what the projects are building. Sharing these with you for your edification - you would do well to take time to read, listen to, and learn from them.
Open monetary protocols (eg Bitcoin), as well as the emergence of newer open information protocols (eg Nostr), challenge the established state of affairs and/or present alternative parallel systems for which people globally can use, explore, and build on. Lyn's article examines some of the prospects and potential implications of their adoption. Click below to read or listen to Guy read it for you - part 1 and part 2.
Click to read the article
Next is a fascinating article from Bitcoin Magazine. History will likely confirm recent events as marking a fundamental pivot in the evolution of the international economic system and the associated global order.
If you prefer - Guy will read it to you Part 1 and Part 2 - do Read or Listen or both!
Nostr continues to evolve and advance by the day as developers around the world release updates to their established apps and services while others leapfrog and invent/uncover new paradigms. All of this is lubricated by BTC Lightning micropayments - a new economic model being born in front of your eyes. For example - this is just one of the daily Nostr Reports.
Calle has been doing great work along with Gandlaf21, @SPA and others.. The Redeem app (allows to receive Lightning BTC for tokens) has been updated and significant UI improvements on Cashu wallet. And then their Nostrmarket extension to crown the week!
Remember that you can follow the developments in Bob Space here in Bangkok - listen and subscribe here. More updates in coming newsletters.
🔗 Useful links - Inform yourself
Below are a few gems from my NetNewsWire feeds - as you know I do not have any TV (and have not for over 40 years) and I do not watch or trust mainstream propaganda media - instead I selectively take information from multiple trustworthy and informed sources. NetNewsWire is your friend - as we have discussed before in Issue 13.
Controlled demolition and war against savings and pensions
Neil gives his usual weekly walk-and-talk from the snow of the Isle of Man. So many things that Mainstream Propaganda will not tell you and does not want to you to know or think about. Follow him directly for timely updates.
You will also want to listen to his mid-week update. Do not say that nobody told you. And his Thursday update on Europe. And Friday update.
Do you understand the game? Answer here.
There is no smoke without fire. Jeff has long studied the EuroDollar market and is one of many commentators may well see through the illusions that are presented in the mainstream.
During the week George also published an Extraordinarily Clear and in-depth explainer - fasten your seatbelt...
In case that was too intellectual for you, Grace has a real down-to-earth explainer and I have got to recommend her book - look out for the review in due course. Memories of 1907 - indeed what is happening follows a a well-trodden (and carefully hidden) course and this is all planned demolition.
And Coldfusion's analysis explains the apparent fraud - hint: among other things the CEO of SVB sold his shares 2 weeks before the crash and he was also on the Board of Federal Reserve of SanFrancisco that is supposed to oversee the bank! And - SVB management bonuses were all paid the week before the collapse! You cannot make this stuff up!
For a rigorous analysis of the failure and what will likely follow, you can do no better than read Lyn's latest article; hint - it's not over yet...
And Steven Van Metre tells you how lunatic things are from his perspective - all of the current actions will not fix the problem. Consider too Joe Bloggs analysis of the Third bank collapse - that of Signature Bank - bizarre is that there has been no credible reason given for its closure - it would seem pretty clear that this was to shut down Signet network that provided the last remaining 7/24 Crypto rails for US investors - financial oppression and restriction looks imminent - as Lyn explains rather clearly here.
A gambler is someone who gambles with their own money.
A banker is someone who gambles with other people's money.
With just a little bit of thinking it should become crystal clear to you now why the SEC has been blocking the approval of a Bitcoin ETF; were that to be available US citizens would be able easily to diversify into Bitcoin as an alternative (more resilient) asset. Expect to see that Mainstream Propaganda will do everything to tarnish all the banks involved and paint this as being crypto-related; it is not - it is due to systemic weakness of the US banking sector. They desperately want you all not to have any escape from the system.
If you are short on time - this 2-min watch sums it all up - the video includes extracts from recent FDIC meetings preparing for exactly what is happening. Click here or the image below to view - YOU MUST WATCH.
Up to you if you get in or stay sitting on Titanic deck
🤔 Closing thoughts - do not skip!
Thoth's Prophesy
Graham Hancock reads Thoth's Prophecy From The Hermetic Texts - The Rebirth of the Cosmos. This should really make you think - this is a recording from 12 years ago and the text he reads is more than 2000 years old. The Asclepius book is here to read for yourself.
Click to watch
To dive deeper you can start here or click below.
Jason (Archaix) and Jordan (WatersAbove)
I have previously introduced you to Jason and Jordan - they are both widely read and have strong, substantiated opinions that they can clearly articulate and defend. You will likely be surprised - and you can easily check all the references and do the calculations yourself! Click below to watch and reflect.
Click to watch and reflect carefully on what they discuss
There's a new trailer at the bottom - check it too - meet The Architect.
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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix
I am assuming that you are up to speed by now on the Matrix story and why this is important - so you are ready for Neo's encounter with The Architect. Watch and understand more...
Click for the explainer
- The Architect
You have to see it for yourself.
Any questions or anything else? Feel free to comment below!
You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me
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