101 - Biking in Bangkok

🇹🇠This week we took maximum advantage of the very slightly cooler weather. I have been out and about on several cycle trips this week.
First up, over the weekend, was a trip down to Koh Kret. We caught the 166 Blue bus from Victory monument (23 THB) and travel to the end. From there you walk through a temple complex to the river where you can catch the ferry (3 THB) over to the Island - it's only 100 metres!
Once on the Island you are in a completely different world. Koh Kret island is completely flat and there are concrete paths with no cars. Everyone gets around on bikes and the occasional motor bike taxi. This is obviously a popular day trip from the big smoke of Bangkok. There are numerous little coffee shops and restaurants and many artisanal shops selling handmade wares. There were 20 or so in our group so we had lunch at the Ronsi Studio; it's a converted old rice factory - great food and we had a great time.
Midweek we were back out again at Chatuchak Park - recall that we did this a few weeks ago. This week it was a smaller group but no less interesting and we all got to meet and chat. It is great to do these in person meetups - you learn so much from them and make lots of useful contacts.
This weekend I am off to Ayutthaya (a short train ride north of Bangkok) for another day out. While there I plan to meet up with one of my subscribers, visiting Thailand from Hong Kong!
Book of the week
This week my reading was bit lighter than usual. V strongly recommended this one that she read in one day! I cannot say that I managed it in one day (she is good) but I certainly did enjoy it too. I will not spoil it for you - suffice to say that it is nothing like you think from the first chapter or two.

Thanks to V for recommending this - I can certainly recommend it to you. It is something completely different from my normal reading. It is well written with a sophisticated and well-thought-out plot and skilfully developed characters with every chapter introducing a new twist or turn. Even in today's surveillance society a few of the concepts seem a bit far-fetched… or maybe not?
Insights of the week
So what happens when your government is absolutely corrupt and your currency collapses?
In the heart of South America, Argentina is gripped by an endless economic crisis. A prolonged history of hyperinflation, currency devaluation, and fiscal mismanagement has created enormous inflationary pressures and destroyed confidence in the Argentine peso.
The country has grappled with unsustainable public debt levels, political instability, and an over reliance on external borrowing. These factors, combined with a lack of consistent economic policies, have led to a series of financial crises, eroding the population's purchasing power and causing significant social and economic hardship.
The crisis has been further exacerbated by challenges such as income inequality, corruption, and a lack of trust in the financial system, making it a complex and enduring issue for Argentina.
In Part 4 of Follow the Money, Peter recently (before the election) travelled to Buenos Aires to understand Argentina's history of inflation, the damage it has caused the country and the tools people have to survive a collapsing currency.
Listen and learn the lessons - look around you: can you see it yet?
Other videos in the series are recommended watching:
- Follow The Money #1 - Bitcoin in El Salvador
- Follow The Money #2 - Inflation, The Hidden Tax
- Follow The Money #3 - Dear Elizabeth Warren
- Follow The Money #5 - Lebanon, Life After the State
After Peter's visit the Argentine people overwhelmingly for radical changes and elected Javier Milei as president. Last week I shared with you Milei's address to WEF.
It's time to wake up, folks. The government will not save you - the government is the problem - unite with those around you and reject the nonsense and criminality.
More in this issue
- Photo memories - biking around Bangkok
- Project Updates - Unacceptable Overreach and Evil Apple
- Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
- Closing out - Akashic Record and The Grand Design

Cycling around Bangkok this week
🛠️ Project Updates
As you know my project focus is on Bitcoin scaling technology and improving privacy for peer-to-peer transactions. There are many worthy initiatives you can support and all sorts of support are welcome. What are you doing?
Unacceptable overreach
In case you missed it, KYC and AML is destroying the world. Governments and their corporate henchmen are increasingly treating their citizens as "terrorists" and "the enemy" and also "guilty until proven innocent". Unelected and unaccountable international bodies make "guidelines" that governments are tricked or coerced into adopting and enforcing; these lead to the Orwellian nightmare that so many are now waking up to.
Thankfully over two dozen companies are standing up and pushing back. Some will say that even engaging with these "illegitimate" bodies legitimises them; perhaps but read below to understand further the evil in the pipeline.

Thankfully - many are now awake and pushing back
In case you had not worked it out yet: everything to do with KYC is to lock you into the Ponzi scheme that is fiat currency and prevent you from exiting. The Empire will do everything it can to make sure you go down with it when the Ponzi collapses. Up to you whether you accept this or not!
Bitcoin Scaling
One thing that the last year has taught us is that high(er) transaction fees are possible and that they will likely continue as the value of BTC and the underlying transactions increases. Over time, as Nation States and other large entities get involved the demand for blockspace will drive out smaller users, requiring them to use solutions that scale at "Level 2".
This makes it all the more important to have good scaling solutions that are easy to use and well tested. Lightning on Bitcoin is one of the solutions and it is great to see this now being integrated into Blockstream Green which provides the additional scaling option of Liquid (L-BTC).

This is a similar product to the Aqua Wallet from Aqualabs that we discussed a few weeks ago. It is good to have these options available and important to start using and battle-testing them. This link is a great walkthrough by Ben; I especially like his suggestion that you should be able to receive BTC directly to a swap address; this is an example of what testing and battle-testing these products will bring.
Interesting as the discussions are on covenants (in all their forms) there should be no rush to move any of these into Bitcoin Core until they have also been battle-tested and proven to be safe with no unintended consequences. It is even possible that such testing will demonstrate they they work well enough on Level 2 and that no modification is needed in the base layer.
Apple is evil - but there is a workaround
With iOS 17.3 Apple introduced a much-touted feature: "Lost Device Protection" requires additional authentication and delays to be used if a thief has your phone/iPad and tries to make changes to the security of your Apple ID account.
This is certainly a good idea. Trouble is that they require you to enable "Significant Locations" and this allows your phone to track every place that you visit and then (by some unexplained algorithm) to categorise these into places like Home, Work, Friends etc(!).
The workaround is simple and obvious with hindsight - Thanks to ThioJoe for pointing this out. Significant locations being on is only required to enable the feature; once Lost Device Protection is enabled you can disable the tracking feature and clear all stored locations. Since there are then no trusted locations your phone will ALWAYS require additional authentication and delay to make any such sensitive modifications - nice!

Two other missing features in Apple iOS
Apple should also implement two other features that are standard in Calyx and Graphene:
- Automatic restart: set your phone to automatically restart if there has been no login for (say) 12 hours. This puts the phone in a safe state with maximum protection in place.
- Keyboard randomisation: Mix the positions of the numbers on the keyboard - so that anyone observing you entering a PIN code has much less chance to know what numbers were used.
That Apple does not implement these features as options is just further evidence of evil. Don't get me started on Apple's Malicious Compliance with EU Legislation - where they attempt to demonstrate compliance in the most customer-hostile way possible. Bad faith acting if ever I saw it. More here.

Listen very carefully to what Theo explains. This is the most egregious example of malicious compliance that I have ever seen. I suspect this is just a taste of what is coming from the Empire - don't say that nobody told you.
đź”— Links for your edification
The following are links from my NetNewswire feeds - learn, enjoy and share.
Whitney explains
It is nearly time - Whitney was early with her call but it is clearly coming. Insufficient attention has been paid to the World Economic Forum’s real ambitions in cybersecurity – to create a global organisation aimed at gutting even the possibility of anonymity online. With the governments of the US, UK and Israel on board, along with some of the world’s most powerful corporations, it is important to pay attention to their endgame, not just the simulations.

Just read this - if that is too hard for you, Whitney explains here
Meanwhile in St Pancras, London
Super interesting analysis by Lei on the Piano incident in St Pancras Train station. Listen and form your own opinion - I think she is right.

Madness and lunacy in Canada
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and his daughter @mikhaila explain the current situation with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. Surely any reasonable person can see what madness this is?

Meanwhile in France (and most other European countries)
Obviously the mainstream propaganda channels are suppressing this but if you look around you or if you are trying to get around major cities in Europe you will know this. Neil explains:

Peter St Onge also says it like it is in his own inimitable style:

How long can can kicking last?
Maverick asks some rather good questions - pity there seem to be no good answers. You cannot taper a Ponzi - as time will soon tell.

And George G sees trouble ahead too - with politicians and media gaslighting people that everything is fine when it is clearly not.

George's video from the day before is well worth a watch - here. The Bank of England document that he refers to is here: Working Paper No. 412. How interesting!
Being Provocative
You will know that I am a fan of The Sovereign Individual and if you have read the book it should be clear that we are living in the situation described in Chapter 10 - subsequent chapters are equally informative about what likely follows.
In this provocative monologue Andrew explains how authors did get their predictions right, but only if you are prepared to take action - for example exercising jurisdictional arbitrage.

Richard's latest:
I don't know about you, but certain revelations have really caused me to lose complete faith in the government's ability to roll out anything successfully.

And listen here to the dreadful "Subpostmaster Scandal" - collusion of government and companies - last time I checked this was called Fascism:
“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” - Benito Mussolini
You can get your own copy of The Light Newspaper here:

Click for you copy of "The Light"
🤔 Closing Thoughts
Closing out this week with a couple of novel topics. Whilst these are intriguing I cannot vouch completely for the content but they are certainly worth listening to and reflecting upon. The first is rather thought provoking and the second should scare you awake.
Akashic Records
I am generally very sceptical about AI-produced material that does not quote verifiable sources - however this one resonates with my own research - details below. The material on this channel is also rather well-produced - DYOR.

The Akashic Records are believed to be a compendium of all knowledge of human experience and acts as a storehouse of all memories and events since the beginning of time.[1][2] Some key points about the Akashic Records include:
- The term originates from the Sanskrit word "Akasha" meaning ether or space and refers to a subtle field some believe permeates all space and time which stores thoughts, emotions, and experiences of every individual.[2][3]
- References to a universal record or memory are found in ancient texts like the Egyptian Book of the Dead and some believe the Biblical Book of Life could be referring to the Akashic Records.[3][4]
- How to Access the Akashic Records: A Step-by-Step Guide
- [PDF] The Akashic Records: Origins and Relation to Western Concepts
- Akashic Records: Origins and Functions | by Deena Bsingh - Medium
- Akashic Records 🕊️ Edgar Cayce's A.R.E.
- Where do the Akashic Records come from?
So - what do you think? Any insights or wisdom that you can share on this?
This next one is intriguing and it ought to make you think. Given all the AI fakes around I am somewhat sceptical. Some research suggests it could be genuine, however the apparent professionalism and multiple views from different camera locations seem to suggest skills and techniques from a more recent era. This could be part of what is called "Limited Hangout" - even so, in that case much of the content would be true and useful.
The earliest reference to this material that I can find is here in July 2009
DYOR and you can find the upload (apparently) from 2017 in archive.org here. The video below is just one of the collection that you can view and download. Recall also that Edward Griffin is the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island - so he certainly knows that of which he speaks.
Apparently recorded in his home back in 1968 this video exposes the Empire plans, long before a lot of the world woke up after the covid scam. Edward Griffin shows that the attempts by the Empire to take over the world have been going on for a long time - longer than you would think.

For information that tends to corroborate this lecture recall Charlie Robinson's Monologue of the Week back in Newsletter 98. Recall too what we discussed about Red Symphony back in Newsletter 97 - also corroborating this.
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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix

- The Architect
You have to see it for yourself.
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You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me
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