108 - Equinox and Lunar Eclipse

🇹🇭 This was a super busy week with many things happening and lots that we had to get done here in Bangkok. V and I have been preparing for our next destination - so we have been packing and getting things stored away as well as double-checking all travel arrangements and bookings - this is V's speciality and super-strength.

Monday I had the regular Satoshi Square meetup. There are more and more people at the meetings these days - quite a few hardcore bitcoiners as usual but also the inevitable sh*tcoiners and quick-profit-takers - so you need to be alert!

Tuesday was the Vernal Equinox (more on that below) and I had all sorts of local admin to do. Among other things my phone stopped receiving incoming calls. I went to the local supplier shop and I rather suspect that this might be a "known issue" since after asking me "if this started today" she gave me a new SIM card, copying over some details from the old one with what seemed to be a standard process and some special tools. Anyone else had this experience?

Wednesday evening was Bob Space meetup - the is the pure bitcoiner meetup in Bangkok. They have unveiled their second Cohort 2 of BOB Buidlers Residency running Mar-Jun 2024 (the Decentralisation Cohort) - more on this in the Project Updates

Thursday and Friday we were busy packing and storing things as well a giving away things that can be useful for others - all in preparation for heading off to our next destination.

From time to time I like to look back one year to see what was happening in the world at that time and what I was anticipating. Also to see how things have progressed since. So it is that one year ago the sentiment seemed eerily similar to now, albeit a little less frenetic. We do now seem to be closer to the main event.

55 - Unravelling or controlled demolition?
🇹🇭 Still in Bangkok and the weather is warming up. It has been a bit cloudier recently but with that we seem to have a bit more humidity. Even so once you have lived in a warm country you don’t want to live in a cold country any more. V and

Check to refresh your memory of one year ago

We are planning some downtime and R&R this weekend. We know that we have to make the most of the warm weather while we are here!

Book of the week

Something led me to read The Little Prince this week. It is a short read that you can easily do in few hours and I highly recommend it. It is interesting to think back to who first recommended this book to me about 35 years ago - Remarkable, one might say! Those who know, will know.

The story is narrated by a pilot whose plane crashes in the Sahara Desert. While repairing his plane, he is visited by a little prince who has come from an asteroid only a little wider than himself.  The prince tells the pilot of his adventures and the lessons he has learned from visiting various planets.

On each planet along his route the prince encountered an adult obsessed with trivial matters that cause them to miss out on life's deeper beauty and meaning.  Among others he meets: a king who believes his authority comes from the number of subjects he rules over; a drunkard who drinks to forget his shame of drinking and a businessman so preoccupied with his accounting that he cannot see the stars.

Through his conversations with the prince the pilot comes to understand his own life in a new light. He realizes that simple pleasures and meaningful relationships are more important than professional success or material wealth.  The story promotes values like curiosity, responsibility and kindness through the prince's charming yet insightful observations of the adult world.

You can easily find a copy of the book to read - note that Exupery did all the drawings himself - so be sure to get one that includes the pictures! Below is a fascinating explainer:

Click for an excellent explainer

And click below for others' views and reviews. I really enjoyed it and recommend it to you.

The Little Prince
A pilot stranded in the desert awakes one morning to se…

click for reviews

Everyone seems to find meaning in this book and there are so many different things to find. How about you? Have you read it? What did you find?

Interview of the week

With more and more people awake to what is going it, it seems useful to share with you things that are a little bit more advanced and which some might initially find shocking and/or contentious. I encourage you to reserve judgement till you have listened to the end and do your own research - all the links are provided.

Quietly, and largely unseen, King Charles III (the Green King) has created a web of "charities", public-private partnerships, faith groups and big finance that puts nature first and people second. Apparently uninterested in the welfare of his subjects, he obsesses on global value creation and that means big money and nothing else.

Largely without our support, this highly privileged and unaccountable man is hellbent on transforming the world (literally). From climate change through sustainable goals to "rewilding the earth" the Green King is creating all things new; but for whom and for whose benefit? The answer seems to be - for the benefit of the immensely wealthy world elite and not for everyone else.

No Smoke Without Fire 7: The Green King (Part 2)
Quietly, and largely unseen, Charles III has created a web of charities, public-private partnerships, faith groups and big finance that puts nature first and people second. He’s only interested in global value creation, and that means big money and nothing else.

Thanks to UK Column for their tireless and insightful reporting and analysis

The Green King believes that "accountants can save the world", aided by sustainable finance and the sustainable markets initiative. In fact, he’s so sold on the notion of global value creation saving the world that he’s giving it his blessing under his Terra Carta seal(!).

As Brian and Debbie explain and demonstrate to you - it was Prince Charles who announced and launched the "Great Reset". Can you see it yet?

The complete No Smoke Without Fire series page is here.

Two months to flatten WHO

If you are willing to join in this battle to expose the truth about the World Health Organization, NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE MASSIVE ACTION. If everyone would just do something to push back, imagine the result.

If you are willing to join in this battle to expose the truth about the World Health Organization, NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE MASSIVE ACTION.

Speak up now or for ever hold your peace - silence and inaction are TACIT CONSENT

More in this issue

  • Photo memories - Golden Mount, Wat Suthat and around Bangkok
  • Project Updates - Cashu and Bisq are hitting it out of the park
  • Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
  • Closing out - Mafia plans, Paranormies and Lucky Person Syndrome

🛠️ Project Updates

The following are updates from some projects that I am following, supporting and collaborating with. What are you doing?

The Big Picture

The tri-weekly developer review call is just the best way to keep up with all of the ongoing projects in the space. Hosted by NVK who invites key developers each time so that they can do deep dives on their projects while also sharing insights on and suggestions for the others.

Click to meeting notes and recording - do check them out (timestamps included)

Cashu and Multipath payments

Cashu goes from strength to strength thanks to the amazing work of Calle and team. In the last weeks I have been taking every opportunity to demonstrate how Cashu works, transferring bitcoin over Email, Signal and WhatsApp. Everyone who sees this is amazed. If you have not seen the demo yet - click back here for instructions and I will demonstrate to you too.

But it gets even better. Listen to this fantastic podcast with Calle and Matt. What blow my mind is the latest development of Multipath payments.

Click for the interview - then give it a try

Not only is it possible to make a single lightning payment using eCash from multiple mints but you can also have multiple outputs as well and the whole transaction is atomic (it all succeeds or fails). This is like Coinjoin on Lightning but even better!

Bisq 2 - this will be fantastic

Bisq is the OG in the peer-to-peer bitcoin swap market. It is a truly decentralised solution that works with all the features that you need - including reliable escrow and arbitration in case of disputes. Well it is now getting EVEN BETTER.

Bisq 2: Now in Beta
Bisq is an open-source desktop application that allows you to buy and sell bitcoin in exchange for national currencies, or alternative cryptocurrencies.

Click and watch the short explainer video

I'll be experimenting with this in the coming weeks. How about you? What other solutions do you use or prefer for swaps?

BOB Space Residency

BOB = Build On Bitcoin. This is the pure Bitcoin hatchery, incubator, co-working and education space in Bangkok, Thailand. Freedom tech advocates and FOSS supporters. In collaboration with Human Rights Foundation (HRF), BOB Space will be hosting a second cohort of developers in sunny Bangkok in the coming months.

Cohort 2 is launched

This is hot on the heels of last year's residency on Cashu development. Do follow along and feel free to offer any support you can.

The following are links from my NetNewswire feeds - learn, enjoy and share.

Great Outage?

Neil asks some rather good questions. He identifies a rather surprising series of outages that have happened in recent days in the UK. However similar outages have been affecting things worldwide - both complete companies (eg McDonalds) but also multiple companies in various industry segments (Social Media, Banking, Food-Retail). How strange?

So many outages and explanations that make no sense

Even stranger is that for all of these the explanations given do not seem to make sense - they contain wishy-washy and fuzzy wording and they certainly seem incomplete and to be not telling the truth and the media are playing it all down. So what do you think is going on? To me this has the feeling of preparations for something big - recall Cyber Polygon.

Boil the frogs

Remember that governments are not benign (recall Anatomy of the State). Matt explains how he see things coming down the pipeline. Likely he is right.

Coming soon - time to wake up - recall this

Can you see it yet? Maybe this will help?

Part of the show

I don't think that Peter's latest missive points to the main event but for sure this will be part of the show. His notes and references on this are here.

For sure this will be part of the show

Good advice - do not be complacent

What causes Delusion? The prevailing view is that people adopt false beliefs because they’re too stupid or ignorant to grasp the truth. But just as often, the opposite is true: many delusions prey not on dim minds but on bright ones. And this has serious implications for education, society and you personally.

Click to watch

Some of these After Skool productions are very good. You would do well to look through some of the others that they have done. You will certainly learn something. For a deeper dive on this topic - check out Gurwinder's substack directly.

The Prism | Gurwinder | Substack
A guide to navigating the Digital Age. Click to read The Prism, by Gurwinder, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.

For a deeper dive - I recommend Gurwinder's Substack

🤔 Closing Thoughts

I have covered some of Jordan's insights and expectations recently (Newsletter 104). Here is his latest one from last week and looking forward through March and April. You might want to pay attention.

Forewarned is forearmed - dealing with crypto mafia

During this week we had the Vernal Equinox (2024 has now really begun) and indeed it did seem to coincide with a lot of negative energy. Coming up next week is the Lunar Eclipse; interesting as that is I rather feel that the Total Solar Eclipse on 8 April is more closely related to the main event. Let's see - more on that next week.

Deceit put in the Scriptures - Jason with The Paranormies

This is a fascinating Saturday evening discussion. It goes rather deep and is not for beginners to Archaix. You have to be impressed by Jason's depth and breadth of knowledge. Also the Paranormies do ask some very good questions.

Fasten your seatbelt and grab a coffee for this one

A few of the interesting topics covered include:

  • Radium, Beetles and Roko's basilisk (rather relevant to today)
  • The Kolbrin Bible - you will gain new insights and understand why the empire attempts to discredit and suppress some books
  • Jason explains his philosophy that there are two separate realities - your own highly personal one (magic happens here) and that of the collective.

I am reminded of Stephen Covey's principle that "all things are created twice": In Covey's framework, the first creation is the mental creation, where individuals envision or conceptualize an idea, goal or outcome in their minds. This involves thinking through the details, clarifying the desired result, and understanding the purpose or motivation behind it.

The second creation is the physical creation where individuals take action to manifest their ideas or goals in the external world, bringing the mental creation into reality. Think too about Guardian Angels.

Lucky Person Syndrome

I have included this one because it links with and supports Jason's arguments on how those who are awake can and do shape their own reality. Recall back to what we discussed last week from Rupert Sheldrake and you will see that this is not so far fetched.

So - what is your opinion or personal experience? I have often heard it said that Lucky People make their own luck and I certainly tend to agree.

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix
How to escape the matrix - do you see it yet?

Any questions or anything else? Feel free to comment below!
You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

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