133 - Palermo - settling in

🇮🇹 V and I have quickly settled in to Palermo. After "summer" in Northern Ireland the weather is fantastic - it has been great to clear up V's asthma. It really is true that once you have lived in a warm country, you don't want to go back to a cold one!

We have also settled into our daily routine here. It's a bit different from other locations since there are no convenient swimming pools (and you need a medical certificate!) and since the weather was rather hot for the first week or so we made a point of doing our sightseeing in the mornings - before the heat and before too many tourists turned up.

We have been working our way through all of the major sites here and so-called "must see" locations such as the Cathedral, Teatro Massimo, Botanic Gardens, Palatine Chapel, Royal Palace and many more.

We have a fabulous apartment here in the center of the old town. This is a great location with all necessities in easy walking distance and good access to public transport to go further afield around the town and around the island.

September is usually our Mediterranean month to recover from summer in Northern Europe. This time last year we had just arrived in Cagliari, Sardinia. It was our first visit to Sardinia and we had a great month there. A lot of the quirks of Sardinia are also to be found here in Palermo - among others those annoying Italian plugs.

80 - Sardinia for a bit
🇮🇹 We have had a very enjoyable week here in Cagliari, Sardinia. Of course, just as we left Belfast and Belgium the weather up there improved to what we would have hoped for while we were there - oh well, never mind! Here in the Mediterranean the weather is similar to

Memories of our arrival in Cagliari, Sardinia

Two years ago we had just arrived in Malta. It is interesting to go back and re-read this newsletter and recall what was going on at the time and what everyone was saying and thinking. BTW I still recommend that you take a look at The Prisoner by Patrick McGoohan that I recommended in that issue; with two years of hindsight even I see more in it than I noticed before - I'm older and wiser, I guess. How about you?

28 - And so, on to Malta
We have spent quite a few weeks together with family in Northern Ireland and Belgium and have done what we intended and everything what was wanted or needed so it is time for us to move on. One book that I did re-read over the summer and you may want

Memories of our arrival in Malta

For those of you who are thinking of visiting Palermo and around, I recommend Nico's site. He is a local from Palermo and he does a really great job of presenting and promoting his city and the area. Click below and enjoy.

We Are Palermo | The unconventional travel guide to Palermo
We Are Palermo is your new travel guide to the Sicilian regional capital. Everything you’ll want or need to learn about the city is there for you.

Check out Nico's site - he does say it like it is

In case you need to really get the feel of the place, Prowalk's videos are superb. Click this one below to see the sights of Palermo in high resolution. Under his video you will see links to specific sites - you will want to use them rather than watch the entire tour!

Click to watch - links to specific sites are under his video

Book of the week

Since we got here in Palermo I have been reading a fascinating book. I felt guided to read this book and to encourage you to read this too in the spirit of Ethical Skepticism as we have discussed here many times. DYOR and make your own informed decisions - do not accept what you are fed by the Empire. The arguments are very persuasive and they come from dozens of well accredited, genuine scientists who spent their lives researching these topics. There is an extensive bibliography containing references to material supporting the hundreds of examples that he cites throughout the book. It is a fascinating story and Michael writes well on these challenging topics citing from multiple contemporary sources.

Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe" presents a revolutionary theory that the universe itself may be akin to a giant hologram. This idea, inspired by the work of physicist David Bohm (who as a protégée of Albert Einstein) and neuroscientist Karl Pribram, suggests that our reality is not as it appears on the surface. The holographic paradigm proposes that every part of the universe contains the whole, much like how every piece of a hologram contains a complete picture.

Click to know more about the book

Key Concepts of the holographic model

  1. Matter and energy are interconnected: Matter and energy are seen as a single continuum, blurring the traditional distinctions between the two.
  2. Space and time are constructs: Space and time are not absolute entities but rather constructs that emerge from deeper layers of reality.
  3. Consciousness plays a crucial role: The mind and reality are interwoven, with consciousness shaping and understanding our experiences.
  4. Unexplained phenomena can be re-examined: Events and experiences that don't fit within conventional scientific frameworks, such as telepathy, precognition and psychokinesis can be re-examined through the holographic lens.

Implications and Speculations

  1. Quantum computing and AI: If the universe is akin to a hologram, it could provide a theoretical basis for understanding quantum entanglement (famously referred to by Einstein as "spooky action at a distance") and superposition (where a system can exist in multiple states at the same time until it is measured) potentially leading to breakthroughs in quantum computing and artificial intelligence.
  2. Bridging the gap between mind and matter: The holographic universe theory helps to bridge the perceived gap between mind and matter, bringing together concepts from quantum physics, mysticism, and psychology. What is most interesting is that where traditional explanations fail, the holographic model can usually explain these.

If reading the book is too hard for you - there is an excellent 10-minute video summary here. You will likely find this surprising or even shocking but realise that people are addicted to their beliefs and they act like addicts when someone tries to wrest from them the opium of their dogmas. If in any doubt, consider the Covidiots.

“Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. "
~ Albert Einstein

Recall that we are now in the time following the breaking of the second seal when many things get unveiled. The word "apocalypse" originates from the Greek word "ἀποκάλυψις" (apokálypsis), meaning "unveiling". It is all there for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. WDYT? Happy to discuss.

More in this issue

  • Photo memories - around Palermo this week
  • Project Updates - Philosophical reflections, BOLT12 and Chaumian eCash
  • Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
  • Closing out - The Grand Illusion and interesting perspectives

🛠️ Project Updates

The following are updates from some projects that I am following, supporting and collaborating with. These are all part of the Parallel Systems that we need to build and use. What are you doing?

Broadening your mind

I encourage to you listen as Douglas Tuman interviews Amir Taaki, an early Bitcoin developer and cypherpunk. Amir shares his insights on the importance of privacy and anonymity in cryptocurrency, the need for decentralisation, and the potential of crypto to challenge existing power structures.

Click for a fascinating interview - links to specific topics below

(00:02:12) Amir Taki's Early Involvement in Cryptocurrency
(00:09:52) The Shift in Public Awareness and Privacy
(00:15:25) Challenges and Ideological Divides in Cryptocurrency
(00:22:38) Philosophical Reflections and the Future of Privacy Tech
(00:29:20) Historical Context of Early Bitcoin Development
(00:45:25) Comparison Between Bitcoin and Monero

BOLT12 and Chaumian eCash

I do not expect Bitcoin to offer privacy at the network level (layer 1) - rather it will come at layer 2. This includes a variety of solutions such at Lightning, Fedi, Cashu and even things like Monero and Litecoin (with MimbleWimble). All of these solutions will interoperate over time and you will be able to move between them, picking the one or ones that best meet your needs.

In this article Marty talks about how BOLT12 makes Lightning easier to use and more private. He also discusses how the Chaumian eCash solutions (Fedi and Cashu) complement and extend this.

Bitcoin Second Layer Privacy Developments
Don’t look now, but bitcoin privacy is getting better.

Click for Marty's insights

The following are links from my NetNewswire feeds - learn, enjoy and share.

Try it - you might like it

This week, Laura's latest video popped up in my feeds. I share her enthusiasm for this technique. I first discovered it when in Malta, two years ago. Laura seems not to have found the body of supporting research around Buteyko breathing - links to that are below.

Click for Laura's experience - I concur

There was even a BBC Documentary that described how this technique has also been demonstrated to cure so-called "no-hope asthma cases". Of course the Empire Big Pharma got all research and any further publicity on this stopped.

Back in the days, BBC really did share some good material

All of this is but one more example of things The Empire does not want you to know.

Jurisdictional arbitrage

For those of you that are (getting) fed up with the situation in your own country, you ought to be aware that what is happening was laid out rather clearly in the book "The Sovereign Individual" - specifically in Chapter 10. You still have Chapter 11 to look forward to.

The Sovereign Individual - Mastering the Transition to the Information Age
The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age, authored by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg, is a seminal work published in 1997 that explores the profound transformations anticipated in the socio-economic landscape as humanity transitions from industrialism to an information-based society. The authors, both seasoned analysts

Click for review and summary - focus on Chapters 10 and 11

Quite a few of my subscribers have been reaching out recently with questions about moving internationally. My advice is to go back to what I talked about last week on Making your Own Reality. Start by embracing and practising the "7 Habits" that are the opposite of what everyone does by default. Make sure that you take time to formulate a clear vision of what you want to have and achieve and then focus on that. Visualise it daily, feel it and believe it and over a few weeks time the steps that you need to take will become apparent. (Re)Watch the video in the link above - this will also help you.

Practically, as one with quite some first hand experience in this area, I suggest to delay any decisions around buying property in any foreign country - rather keep the maximum flexibility and minimise your involvement with any foreign governments or authorities until you are certain this is what you really need to do and you understand all the implications of doing so. Renting gives you flexibility - for example we have preferred properties in each city and trustworthy owners and landlords who like to deal with us in mutually beneficial arrangements.

Remember, if you look for a store of value, Bitcoin is better. In fact the monetisation of property as a store of value is one of the key factors behind a lot of the current problems in the world. Property has intrinsic value (you can live in it); monetising property drives up the price, making habitable property unnecessarily expensive and unaffordable. Bitcoin is the purest money - it has no intrinsic value - it is pure money.

For those of you in or from the UK, you might want to recall our discussion here.

Dates for your diary - 3 eclipses in the coming month

Coming up soon, in addition to equinox on 22 Sep, we have lunar eclipses on 17-18 Sep and 17 October and a Solar Eclipse on 2 October (also Rosh Hashanah). Jordan and Jason (below) will help you will understand why this may well be more significant than you think.

Upcoming dates may be more significant than you think - click here for the details

Jordan has some further insights, including for the coming days, that you may want to check.

🤔 Closing Thoughts

A couple of closing thoughts this week. Fasten your seatbelt. The first is a recent documentary by Eric Dubay - it will surprise you and everything that he says is documented and substantiated in his eBook that you can download - link is below the video. Finally a fabulous discussion between two of my trusted sources sharing a lot of rather pertinent and interesting information - for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

The Grand Illusion - can you see it yet?

What if we discovered that our most cherished beliefs and answers to the mysteries of our world are merely fragments of a grand illusion? What if this illusion were carefully crafted and slowly sustained over time by an elusive group with a specific agenda aimed at intentionally misleading us? Imagine these false realities and beliefs woven into a deception so vast that it stretches our very capacity to even consider them as possible...

Click to watch - you will be surprised

Click for your own copy of Eric's book - including all supporting material

Jason and Jordan - interesting perspectives

Two of my trusted podcaster sources are Jason and Jordan. So you can imagine how happy I was to have them both discussing together. I highly recommend that you sit back and listen to this fascinating discussion between two interesting individuals who have fascinating insights into what is going on currently and suggestions to keep in mind as you chart your path forward through the lunacy around you.

Sit back and enjoy this insightful discussion - do not skip the intro clip - it reveals much

You may well know Jordan and his insights into Gematria (I have cited him before) and how all of this plays out in real life. What you may not know is that Jason has been working for years on his OPHIS software and he has already shown you how this accurately explained the timeline of the Covid Crime perpetration. Recall our discussion in Newsletter #111. From this interview, I expect there will soon be joint collaboration on this project - now that will be interesting!

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix

I am assuming that you are up to speed by now on the Matrix story and why this is important - so you are ready for Neo's encounter with The Architect. Watch and understand more...

Even if you have seen this before, watch it again - you will learn things

"99% of all subjects accepted the program if they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of the choice at an unconscious level"
- The Architect

Any questions or anything else? Feel free to comment below!
You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

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