140 - Halloween in Hong Kong

đź‡đź‡° It's already November and we had Halloween this week. We are already nearly two weeks into our stay here in HK and we are having such a great time. We have been busy every day, out and about, meeting friends, visiting familiar places and generally getting back into our HK routine. Friday is usually for lunch at the Windsurfing Club, Wednesday evenings are for Happy Valley, weekends are for hiking with the groups and friends, Thursday evenings we have Bitcoin meetup and of course you get visitors here from abroad. When I have nothing else on in the mornings, a hike to the peak or a trip to the Outlying Islands can be a great way to start the day.
There are so many things to appreciate about living here in HK. The public transport is superb, the people are friendly and helpful and the weather is warm for most of the year - in November it is about perfect (24-29 degrees, sunny every day).
Sunday I had a great hike around Lamma Island. Lamma is a short ferry ride from HK. Indeed many people enjoy Island life here and commute in to the city daily. Hiking with a friend, we did an interesting loop around the island and rounded it off with brunch in the village.
Midweek I had a nice morning hike from Wan Chai Gap Park down to Aberdeen. This was an easy downhill hike with some great conversation. Hiking is a good way to meet interesting people. In the evening we headed round to Happy Valley for the horse racing. Being October they are celebrating Octoberfest. A real fun evening. When in HK, you should try to get along to the Happy Valley races - it is a uniquely HK event and always great fun.
Thursday was Halloween. I started the day with a nice hike from Sok Kwu Wan to Yung Shue Wan where I met up with V for lunch. Two main centres for celebrations are Lan Kwai Fong (for the party animals) and Lee Tung Avenue (for the families and kids) although you will find people dressed up and celebrating all over the city.
Friday I was up early to do a hike from Central to the Peak and back down again to take the ferry to meet V for lunch at the Windsurfing club. It's nice to be back in our HK routine here again!
Book of the week
Notwithstanding all the events and socialising this week I found time to make a start on David Icke's latest book, The Reveal. He writes this as a standalone book so you do not need to have read his earlier books. Just do it! This book is required reading for all who are awake to what is going wrong around them and want more background and substantiation.
Since David has been exposing this for over 35 years he has many deep and well-validated arguments. I recommend that you get this as audiobook and listen to him read the book to you. He is very clear and direct in all his arguments and it is especially useful if you also have the book (physical or eBook) to read along and make notes.

Chapter by chapter he picks a topic and then expands upon it with new and alternative insights and all the supporting evidence you need. No matter what you think you know on any of these, you will learn more in each chapter. He will open your eyes on many topics and, as I have often said: once seen, you cannot unsee these things.
In Chapter 1 he imparts how control is exerted over the masses by suppressing or rendering inaccessible the functions of the right side of the brain, overwhelming them with the logic, classifications and calculations of the left side. Quite a novel argument but he substantiates it well with examples from Architecture, Art, Literature and comparing with all things big-tech.
In Chapter 2 he explains the Covid Plandemic, how and why it came about and how it was perpetrated. No matter your level of knowledge on this you will learn a lot and unlike many (most?) David does and presents his own research and evidence.
Chapter 3 introduces Mainstream Alternative Media (MAM) and the MAMs, the influencers who have been adopted by the Empire as their chosen (for now) spokespersons. With example after example he explains how these people may not even know that they are part of the controlled opposition and he explains how they perpetuate it through their interminable mutual interviews and perpetual blind spots (eg Israel).
For years Elon Musk has been a puzzle. Puzzle no more, with evidence aplenty down to the 95 individuals and institutions that are really behind Twitter/X and X.corp in Chapter 4 David clarifies all that was ever unclear. Once you have read this you will be in no doubt any more.
Chapter 6 will really take you into new territory and you would do well to read/listen carefully. You will recognise much of what David says in items I have been covering in Closing Thoughts over the months but he goes much further - likely further than you have been before.
Chapter 9 covers reincarnation, samsara and related topics. You will be surprised (even if you thought you knew all this) and likely see things from a totally different perspective after this. This links back to our discussion and excellent podcast series of a year ago: where is my mind?
This is a long read and I am about three quarters through the book as I write this - I aim to finish it this weekend. I cannot recommend this too highly. Get the audiobook to benefit from hearing David explain everything in his own words. If you get the opportunity, do go along to one of his public talks.
If you are intrigued and want yet more, I have previously reviewed and recommend two of his other books: Children of the Matrix and The Dream. He may not be right on everything but if he is right on even 10-20% of what he claims you ought to see many things very differently.
More in this issue
- Photo memories - arriving in HK and weekend hiking
- Project Updates - Nostr scaling and yet more evil from Google
- Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
- Closing out - Deep discussions and fundamental information

Arriving in HK and hiking this week
🛠️ Project Updates
The following are updates from some projects that I am following, supporting and collaborating with. These are all part of the Parallel Systems that we need to build and use. What are you doing?
Nostr scaling and relays
With all open source systems it is common to ask questions along the lines of "who will build the roads". By now, you ought to know the answer for successful and emerging systems, like Bitcoin and Nostr. If not, take a listen to his fascinating developer review meeting where this and many more important topics are well covered.

- (00:00) – Introduction to Nostr protocol and event signing
- (05:30) – Scaling concerns and misconceptions about relay overload
- (12:18) – Challenges in moderation and decentralised governance
- (20:19) – Lightning integration for payments in Nostr
- (29:45) – Cross-platform interoperability between Nostr and Mastodon
- (40:05) – Scalability and reliability improvements during user influxes
- (44:10) – The idea of creating more experimental and niche relays
Yet more Google evil
This is the latest in a long litany of evil from Google. It ought to be clear to you that Big Tech is now outright hostile to developers (recall the Manifest V2 discussion) and even towards users (recall the ad-blocking discussions). The story about 6 months of suffering for the VLC team ought to wake you up, considering how useful this App is. Also the discussion about KPMG audits being required is criminally corrupt and exploitation of monopoly.

You ought to be seriously considering alternatives to cloud-based services. As you know my recommendation is to opt out of all of these as much as you can.
It is very much better to use SyncThing keeping your data only on your own computers, synchronised peer-to-peer - we discussed how to do this back in Newsletter #75.
đź”— Links for your edification
Again this week, I felt guided to include these images and the links below - they are all interconnected and relate to what you ought to be able to see happening around you.

Perhaps you can spot it? How did you miss it?
If you are wondering about the Federal Reserve - you need to read The Creature from Jekyll Island and 180 degrees, not to mention The Falsification of History and "The Predator versus The People".
Undermining everything
You are likely unaware of the details of the European Stability Mechanism, ESM. This is legislation that was introduced in violation of the EU Treaty (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) as well as constitutions and/or laws of EU member states as it restricts each member nation’s fiscal sovereignty. Ratifying it necessitated a dismayingly convoluted process of amending the EU treaty and circumventing member states’ domestic laws.
This legislation is clearly of the bankers, by the bankers and for the bankers. The ESM treaty was spearheaded by Mario Monti, former Goldman Sachs banker, one of the leaders of the Bilderberg group and a prominent member of the Trilateral Commission. He was enabled by another Goldman Sachs banker, Mario Draghi who had taken the helm of the ECB just in time for this heist, in November 2011.

Open your eyes - recognise what is happening around you and why
ESM officers may not be held accountable at law, nor can their decisions be challenged. Member nations must guarantee such funds, but they can’t challenge ESM’s decisions. Article 9 may well be titled, "Stand and deliver," and articles 30 and 32 amount what Nicholas Rockefeller arrogantly called the bankers' KMA card (KMA = kiss my ass): we can do what we want and there is no agency of government that can limit our power, investigate our actions or hold us to account in any way whatsoever. If we gamble and win, the gains are ours. If we lose, all you debt serfs and tax donkeys must make us whole.
The truth cannot be hidden any more
In yet another scam that people are waking up to, Geoff looks at the replacement cost for a BMW 330e (or any of the BMW hybrids) and asks some serious questions about what used car you should actually buy to avoid future financial ruin.

If it was not obvious to you why there would be such lies and deception about electric vehicles from mainstream channels, this is yet another thing that David Icke explains rather clearly in his book above.
Andrew pretty much nails it
Andrew gives his view on why people might want to have a home (or base) in SE Asia. Speaking as one with direct, personal experience I can say that he pretty much nails nine good reasons. In this video he gets pretty explicit on the benefits of Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand - again I can confirm that his advice is sound.

00:00 Why Have a Home in Southeast Asia, 00:39 Affordable, Quality Healthcare, 01:54 Healthier Countries and Diets, 02:32 Nice Weather Year-Round, 03:49 Low Crimes Rates, 04:49 Easy Visa Policies and Residence Permits, 07:57 Tax-Friendly Countries, 09:12 Banking, 10:21 Investment Opportunities, 11:48 Travel and Connectivity, 13:44 Bonus Reason
🤔 Closing Thoughts
I am closing out this week with a couple of significant interviews and explainers. First up is this interesting discussion between Jason and Gary Wayne; Gary is a Christian contrarian who has maintained a lifelong love affair with biblical prophecy, history and mythology. His extensive study has encompassed the Bible and Gnostic scriptures, the Qur’an, the Bhagavad Gita, Gilgamesh and other ancient epics, language etymology, and secret society publications.

This leads on to an important monologue by Jason, one that many may shy away from watching. Recall we have broached this topic before with Joseph Atwill and Caesar's Messiah and in our recent discussion on religiosity.

People are addicted to their beliefs and they act like addicts when someone tries to wrest from them the opium of their dogmas
~ Gabor Maté
Fundamental insights
Lastly a couple of rather fundamental insights. If you have been following along here for a while, these should come to you rather easily - if not you may find them a step too far to take today. I encourage you to watch and listen - you can return to them later in a few weeks and months and they will be clearer. Don't say that nobody told you!

And this last one is one of Jason's monologues but set in the new style that you will see so much these days. Well worth 12 minutes to educate yourself with practical knowledge that you can put to use today.

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix

- The Architect
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