81 - Iglesias, Bosa and Sassari

81 - Iglesias, Bosa and Sassari
Iglesias - expecting rain?

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น This week V and I have been getting out and about around the island. The weather continues to be perfect and the outlook is that this will continue. All of these are possible in a day trip from Cagliari using public transport - all very relaxing!

First, a short train ride to Iglesias. This is an important town in the region with many churches (closed over lunchtime and early afternoon) and quite a bit of history. It is famous for being the mining center and the locals have certainly tried to beautify the place with all the umbrellas - or are they parasols?

A Guide To Iglesias, Sardinia: 13 Best Things To Know
If you are planning a trip to south Sardinia, you should really include Iglesias and the Sulcis- Iglesiente area among the places to visit. Famous for its history linked to the mining activity in the

Click for Claudia's comprehensive review

Sassari is the farthest place we visited and it was a full day outing- rather than hiring a car and driving we took the the train and it was very relaxing and we were happy to read our books and enjoy the countryside on the way. I got to listen to a great audiobook on the way there and back - more on that next week.

What To See And Do In Sassari, Sardinia
Sassari is located nine kilometers away from the coast, inside the Asinara Gulf, and is the fifth Italian city by broadness (546,08 kmยฒ). Its territory, a great combination of hills and a fertile plain slowly fading

Click for Claudia's comprehensive review

Midweek we decided to acquire a new skill - never too late! V and I went on a Segway tour out to the nature reserve to see the flamingos. It is a bit like learning to ride a bicycle. At first this seems to be impossible but after a couple of minutes you work it out can can't imagine what you ever thought was difficult about it! Absolutely recommended - do give this a go if you are here - Book here. We enjoyed it so much we will do another Segway tour to a different location next week!

Last trip of the week is Bosa this weekend. I hope to meet up with a local Bitcoiner (even here)! It should be an interesting day out. Bosa is supposed to be one of the most beautiful towns on the island.

What To See And Do In Bosa,Sardinia
Known to be one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, Bosa, Sardinia counts no more than 8500 inhabitants, colorful buildings, a hilltop castle and a river flowing right through the village. Itโ€™s honestly so scenic

Click for Claudia's comprehensive review

With all the time on the train this week I got to read a lot - even more than usual so I have a lot to share. Also this week I have a very practical and useful hands-on project - I am very pleased with the result.

Fiat Ruins Everything - book of the week

During the 2022-2023 school year, Jimmy Song (a Bitcoin Core developer) set out on a worldwide journey - unfortunately I just missed him in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. His mission was to grasp how fiat money influences daily life on a global scale, and we specifically focused on attending various Bitcoin meetups. These gatherings were more than educational; they were eye-opening. He was able to explore diverse perspectives and engage in thought-provoking discussions that significantly shaped the content of his book.

Click to get your copy

His book is an exploration of the complex consequences of fiat money. It delves into issues ranging from incentives that lead to declining birth rates to the relentless cycle of war, intrusive surveillance and much more. The past few years have shown us that no place in the world is untouched by these effects.

Fiat Ruins Everything Crowdfund Page

Listen to this great interview of Jimmy, talking with Marty on the book and how he wrote it. Indeed Fiat corrupts human character and you will understand all the ways that Fiat really does ruin everything and is "deeply evil"!

Click to watch - a great interview - share it to help others understand

Recall back to last week's book and interview. You will understand now how Bitcoin fixes this. Fix the money, fix the world. As a further treat, I do recommend that you listen to this interview of Jimmy by Saifedean - they are spot-on with their commentary and observations.

Click to watch and share

Interview of the week

You absolutely must listen to this interview of Laurence Eastman by Mikkel Thorup. If you are any way awake to what has been happening since January 2020 this will encourage you that far from being alone, there are lots who see this and they are taking actions to preserve and enjoy sovereignty and you can too. Listen and share.

Zen And The Art Of Individual Sovereignty
Laurence Easeman of the โ€œEyes Wide Openโ€ podcast joins Mikkel Thorup to discuss how he has found a zen state in his pursuit of individual sovereignty.

Click for the interview - listen and share

Laurence is a prolific producer of high quality content. Visit his site for more - for example this recent interview with Johnny Vedmore, himself a legend.

More in this issue

  • Photo memories - around the island
  • Project Updates - Nostr and content filtering and a ToDo list
  • Plenty of useful links - don't say nobody told you!
  • Closing out - if something is true you see it from multiple perspectives

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Project Updates

The following are updates from some projects that I am following, supporting and collaborating with. What are you doing?

Follow-up on Nostr and censorship

Recall last week's discussion with Miljan on how his attempts to deal with a bad-faith actor performing large-scale bot-attacks was claimed by some to be censorship. This led NDK to pull together some of the other key players in the Nostr dev field (Fiatjaf, Hodlbod and Vitor Pamplona) and this is a fascinating interview. Listen and learn.

For sure this is and will be more complicated than you imagine. The roles of the client and relays become more apparent - so also with DVMs (Data Vending Machines) and other "filtering" aggregators. I am still convinced that Miljan and Primal are on a good track and they are good-faith actors. WDYT?

Click for the full discussion and notes

As a bonus they also discuss (01:44:47 Bonus chat: SimpleX & nostr - private DMs) the challenge of secure person-person messaging. Whilst Nostr does not solve this, it can integrate well with other interesting solutions like SimpleX and I was happy also to be reminded of Scuttlebutt. Indeed this is complicated and true peer-to-peer may well be the best way in many cases.

Miljan has published a simple and very clear explainer of what they have implemented on Primal - it is certainly simple, effective and transparent.

Click for Miljan's explainer

And then I found Guy's latest thoughts, reading an article that he wrote on The Algorithm.

Click for Guy's take on this - interesting concepts to explore

Keeping track of what you need to do

I have long been frustrated by the availability of Open Source "To Do" lists that are useful, secure & private and which do not require a subscription. I also have a need for a solution that is cross-platform, running on Linux, Mac, iOS and Android (CalyxOS). The closest that I had found (but not used) until recently was "2Do" which does seem to rate very highly in reviews. However it requires a DropBox account to work sync properly and that is non-starter for me; DropBox is 100% untrustworthy.

Imagine my joy this week to discover that (my favourite) Obsidian has plugins that work well together to give you almost unlimited ToDo management capabilities within your existing vault and using your existing synchronisation - it works perfectly on all devices. Recall that I recommend Syncthing for file syncing - it works brilliantly on all platforms and your data remains entirely private and under your control.

Not only that but there is a 3 part video explainer on how to configure and use this! Part One - Basics, Part 2 - Queries, Part 3 Review

Obsidian Task Management Basics โ€“ The Sweet Setup
Obsidian ships with some basic support for task management, making it a great option for creating a digital bullet journal. But in this video, weโ€™re going to show you how to take those task management capabilities to the next level with a couple of additional plugins.

Click for the explainer - this is AMAZING

I have been really enjoying this setup. For a while I have been aware of the power of the Obsidian Dataview; this is the best example to showcase it. The documentation is superb - a joy to read.

The following are links from my NetNewswire feeds - learn, enjoy and share.

Dr John reminds you of some history lessons

On human experiments, (1947). Doctors on trial, for crimes against humanity.

Click to watch and share

And Reiner Fuellmich explains how he and his team of lawyers have been gathering the evidence that will be used to bring the culprits to justice.

Click to watch and share

Pay attention to what he says about the "trial balloons". This is a very important interview - listen and share. If you are already awake - stay the course. As he points out - everyone can and should withdraw their consent at every opportunity - united non-compliance is important.

UK Dystopia already and more coming

It should be obvious that the government considers its citizens to be terrorists and fraudsters. Just listen to what the Eco-lunatics will impose on everyone. It really does seem like the UK parliamentary system is totally non-representative and out of control.

Click to understand the next lunacy that will be imposed on everyone in the UK

Richard says what most sensible people think. It is beyond time to push back on this. As Laurence explained above, the implementation of the agenda requires local enforcement in your town or city. You need to talk to your neighbours and express your views to your local councillors. Remove and withdraw your consent.

Click to watch - wake up and speak up

It is indeed the case that language has been coopted and corrupted so that you cannot express truly desirable concepts. A couple of examples:

  • "ESG" has captured and corrupted the definition of "sustainable" and "sustainable business" - as Jimmy explained above.
  • Likewise for the term "Anarchy" - that in its original form means "Social Order through absence of Government Tyrants". For a deeper dive into this consider Ricard's recent interview with Steve on his recollection of living in Poland. Maybe you recall Solidarity and Gdansk back in August 1980. Recall that we also discussed this back in Issue 52.

Arthur's expectation - a long read

In this long read Arthur explains how the Fed is doomed to fail, and how the more they try to right the ship using Volkernomics, the further they will push things in a direction that is directly opposite their (stated) desired destination. The Fed supposedly wants to cool US domestic inflation, but the more they simultaneously raise rates and reduce their balance sheet, the more stimulus will be handed to rich asset holders.

Click to read the article - yes, the title is a teaser!

Arthur argues that the Fed will eventually get a tap on the shoulder by the US Federal Government to change tactics; he references a paper written by an establishment Columbia economics professor Dr. Charles Calomis that was published by none other than the St. Louis Fed. The Fed is telling the market quietly that it fucked up and laying out its path to redemption. And as we know, the path to redemption always requires more financial repression and money printing.

Jordan gets a bit more specific on potential dates for big moves here.

The inevitable truth will out

This report is an interesting read - and Guy will explain it to you if you need. The popularity of Bitcoin and Stablecoins is due to the criminality of the central banks that have debased (and continue to debase) all national currencies. They have only three bad options - unless they go for mandatory coercion.

Click to watch

๐Ÿค” Closing Thoughts

The same warning as last week applies in this section. Some of you will not want to hear or believe what follows. That is entirely your right and decision. Before you skip recall what we discussed recently on Ethical Skepticism; as a minimum this is information that you should be aware of until further supporting or contradicting information comes along. As you will see you might not have to wait too long.

This is part 3/3 of the series from Jason. Jason maintains that if something is true then it can be seen as such from several different perspectives. Here he focuses on the 6th Seal in May of 2040 and he shows how this is also predicted or self evident from the Solar Sunspot Cycle that corresponds to 138 months. Thus - you have 138 year cycles and 138 month cycles that coincide. How many coincidences is too many for you?

First download the supporting material for this video here.

Then watch as Jason talks you through his analysis. You will likely want to consider in the spirit of Ethical Skepticism; you may find this useful sooner or later.

Click to watch - open your mind to what is hidden

As a reminder and for those who want to research the historical evidence - Jason's Chronicon is here and you can also have it read to you here by Nick.

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No one can be told what The Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.โ€Œโ€Œ- Morpheus to Neo in The Matrix
How to escape the matrix - do you see it yet?
"99% of all subjects accepted the program if they were given a choice - even if they were only aware of the choice at an unconscious level"
- The Architect

Any questions or anything else? Feel free to comment below!โ€Œโ€Œ
You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

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