predator vs the people 131 - Antwerp this weekend 🇧🇪 We are now in Belgium for a bit. We travelled down to Dublin Friday last week on the bus - so as promised here is an update on the travel experience. Dublin Express coach continues to be our preferred choice - they currently have a separate bus for the airport
classic books to read 121 - Holiday reading 🇪🇸 We are nearing the end of our stay here in Mallorca for this year. We still have a while to enjoy here but it begins to feel like "end of term" - can you still remember that? Monday, V and I had an early start. We did another
the falsification of history 114 - Family visit in Belgium 🇧🇪 🇪🇸 Friday last week we flew up to Belgium to be there over the weekend for V's Mum's birthday. It was a surprise visit - that is why I could not say anything last week! This was a short visit - just a couple of days but