18 - Something new - planning ahead

July already - how is 2022 going for you - maybe time for a mid year review?

How do you like the new theme on the website - it ought to make the latest articles easier to find and you can more easily look back over the archive and find other interesting articles to dive into and refresh your memory - feedback welcome. I am also building out the supporting material in the links marked with 🚀 so do follow them - they all ought to open in new tab to make it easier to continue reading.

In support of further website updates I will be brushing up on my Web Developer skills!  Inspired by Ali Abdaal ( 🚀 why you need a website and how to do it) - I will be sharing updates on my learning journey and the progress/milestones in subseqent newsletters.  If you are interested to learn along with me, let me know.  

As I mentioned last week, I have a number of personal projects to progress in the weeks and months ahead.  Insights and information on these will follow - stay tuned.  I have been taking this week to think through priorities and desired outcomes; I'll be sharing insights and collaboration opportunities in due course.    Recall back in Issue 13 we talked about The 7 Habits  of Highly Effective People - a very useful technique that I highly recommend!

I also expect to be a bit more active with my photography and I will also be experimenting with Youtube  so do 🚀 follow along on my channel and do give feedback and suggestions!  For more real-time updates, 🚀 follow along too on Instagram

This past week I have been re-watching The Matrix series - you may or may not be able to see the deeper messages - let me know.   As with that moment in The 6th Sense, once seen it cannot be unseen.  More on this back in Issue 15.

  • The Matrix (March 31, 1999)
  • The Matrix Reloaded (May 15, 2003)
  • The Matrix Revolutions (November 5, 2003)
  • The Matrix Resurrections (December 22, 2021)

Some things to reflect upon

🤓 I have already written about what is happening in the world these days and why

Thought for the day:
When money is politicized & weaponized (like fiat US Dollars and EUROs recently), it loses its monetary function. It becomes harder to use such money for trade, business and investment, because it is tracked, seized and debased. This is already happening between countries; watch out for it heading towards individuals - Canada was a warning sign.

Recall that in Issue 11 we discussed how wisdom from End of Empire Times are well documented but surprisingly widely ignored or forgotten:   Empires Rise and Fall  extracts and summarises from John Glubb's paper of nearly 100 years ago,  The Fate of Empires .  I do identify with his frustrations about how history has been taught considering how important it is to learn from past generations.

🕰 With more time available, I am now able to do more reading and listening; you may well find some of these interesting and informative - do let me know.

1.  Bitcoin is not "Crypto"
they are different things don't mix them up!

💰 Bitcoin is "hard digital money".  Lyn Alden tells the history of money, and examines this rather unusual period in time where we seem to be going through a gradual global transformation of what we define as money, comparable to the turning points of 1971-present (Petrodollar System), 1944-1971 (Bretton Woods System), the 1700s-1944 (Gold Standard System), and various commodity-money transition periods (pre-1700s).  Read Lyn's full article: Lyn alden - What is Money - or see her discussing this with Peter MacCormack

🤔 Intrigued?  A Fundamental Analysis Of Bitcoin - a good article to get you started. The target audience is people who struggle to see the value behind bitcoin, or those want to learn more about it as an investment.

  • Starting with the basics, and a very important question: what is money, really?
  • Compare bitcoin's ability to act as money with that of gold and U.S. dollars.
  • After examining bitcoin's fundamentals, here are two methodologies that could be useful in determining long-term price targets for bitcoin.

⚠️ Consider this from the founding principles of the US.  The Separation of State and Money is the most important thing you can listen to this week.   Thanks to Allen Farrington - his paper is here for those who prefer to read.    Wake up, folks!

2.  Only the strong survive - the Celsius, BlockFi debacle was entirely foreseeable

🥷 The Crypto environment and "Defi" (Decentralised finance) largely replicate the players and (often corrupt) techniques of the traditional banking industry but without constraints.  What could possibly go wrong?

Back last September,  Alan Farrington explained - only the strong survive: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 - or here if you prefer one uninterrupted read.  Original paper here

3.  The problems and opportunities are bigger still

🁯  Listen to Guy's latest take on the Dominoes that are falling and how things will evolve.  No mystery that he should start his story in 1971 when the US broke from the Gold Standard to fund the Vietnam War and all the perpetual wars ever since - recall the Report from Iron Mountain.

In theory Governments should respect Consent of the Governed and the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government".   For you to decide if and to what extent governments today are acting in line with these principles. Can you put your hand on your heart and say that you approve fully of what your government is doing in your name?

Wake up folks - open your eyes...

One of my projects

One of my projects going forward will leverage the fascinating infrastructure that is now being established with Bitcoin and Lightning.   As a first goal I am looking into running my own Lightning node.  Step by step....  I'll be sharing my learning journey on this and if you are interested to dip your toes into this new world  gently and learn for yourself - go back and reread Issue 14.

If you thought that Bitcoin Development was a backwater with not much happening you are just not paying attention in the right circles.

Learn from NVK and Matt's discussion launching Bitcoin Review Podcast

Learn from the Bitcoin Design Guide

Learn from Parker Lewis with his informative series - Gradually, then Suddenly

For the preppers among you, you might want to go back and read Issue 4 - the part about CalyxOS - on Pixel4 or Pixel5 phones (both work GREAT).  You may consider me paranoid but I just do not trust them to allow certain free and open source projects to remain available in the official App Stores.  You already get a taste of what this will look like - think back to the last time you saw "Sorry this App is not available in your region".  

If your eyes and mind are open you'll find more here:  🚀 Reading List and References

That's it!

No one can be told what The Matrix is.
You have to see it for yourself.

Do share this newsletter with any of your friends and family who might be interested.

You can easily ask questions or discuss any topics in the newsletters in our Telegram group  - click the link here to join the group.  
You can also email me at: LetterFrom@rogerprice.me

💡Enjoy the newsletters in your own language : Dutch, French, German, Serbian, Chinese Traditional & Simplified, Thai and Burmese.